Appendix C: Browser Compatibility
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Table 1
Common Errors and What to Do About Them
Tag or AttributeNot Supported BySolution
ALINKMSIE 2, MSIE 3.Leave it. ALINK is nonessential.
DIV, SPAN, CLASS, STYLE, IDAny pre-4.0 browser. Create a low-end page, or, depending on how the page looks without the style, leave it alone. DIV contents are displayed without style trappings by all browsers.
STYLE, CLASSAny pre-4.0 browser. Create a low-end page, or, depending on how the page looks without the style, leave it alone.
BLINKNon-Netscape browsers.Leave it alone.
EMBED, PARAMMSIE 2.Create low-end page or use alt image. For sound files, you may use the BGSOUND tag. (Note: EMBED always causes a warning telling you to double-check the parameters.)
BGSOUNDNon-MSIE browsers.Use EMBED for Netscape browsers.
TABLE, TD, TR: BGCOLOR, Background image Navigator 2.0.Don't worry about it unless your text color won't show up on top of the page background color.
UNavigator 2.0. Leave it alone, or use italics instead of underlining.
IMG ALIGN=absbottom, absmiddleMSIE 2-4, Navigator 2.0.View page in Explorer to evaluate impact and change attribute or create Explorer-centric version.
JavaScriptMSIE 2; some attributes not supported by other browsers. Test in affected browser, if possible. Make non-JavaScript version or leave it alone if the code doesn't cause errors. (See Chapter 10.)
HR COLOR=MSIE2; Navigator 2.0 and higher.Ignore.
TABLE bordercolorNavigator 2 and higher.Use redundant bordercolorlight and bordercolordark attributes.
TABLE bordercolorlight, bordercolordarkMSIE 2-4.Use redundant bordercolor attribute.
FRAME, FRAMESET, NOFRAMESMSIE 2.Create no-frames version of the page. Frames-incapable browsers will display the text enclosed in the NOFRAMES tag.
IFRAMEMSIE 2, Navigator 2.0 and higher.Preview in Navigator; create Navigator version of page or ignore, depending on appearance.
BODY topmargin, leftmarginNavigator 2.0 and higher.Use frames or style sheets, or ignore.
APPLETMSIE 2Offer non-Java version or use alt image.
OBJECTMSIE 2-3, Navigator 2.0 and higher.For Navigator, use EMBED tag. For older browsers, use alt images or a low-end page.