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Building a Windows iPod Tool

SharePod's application is built with VB code, so you have to make some modification going to C# or any of the other Visual Studio-supported languages.

SharePod is a tool that runs directly from your iPod. The SharePod.exe files sits in the root directory of your iPod and allows you to search through the iPod playlists.

You begin by laying out the forms that will search through your files. (The sources for the application are included in a link at the end of this article.)

Next, the fun bit: adding the Visual Basic code. There are two main sections of code: the main form code and the extraction code that copies files from your iPod to your hard drive. There are more than two thousand lines of code between these two files. For this article, we'll look only at the code that reads the music database on your IPod and allows you to play back the tracks.

The main form code is called frmMain. There are nearly eleven hundred lines of code, so here are some highlights. The code opens with you declaring your defaults:

Object = "{5E9E78A0-531B-11CF-91F6-C2863C385E30}#1.0#0"; "MSFLXGRD.OCX"
Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx"
Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx"
Begin VB.Form frmMain 
  Caption     =  "SharePod 1.5"
  ClientHeight  =  6000
  ClientLeft   =  375
  ClientTop    =  765
  ClientWidth   =  9945
  Icon      =  "frmMain.frx":0000
  LinkTopic    =  "Form1"
  ScaleHeight   =  6000
  ScaleWidth   =  9945
  StartUpPosition =  2 'CenterScreen
  Begin VB.Timer tmrMenu 
   Enabled     =  0  'False
   Interval    =  40
   Left      =  1920
   Top       =  120
  Begin VB.Frame FilterFrame 
   Caption     =  "Filter"
   BeginProperty Font 
     Name      =  "Tahoma"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   ForeColor    =  &H00800000&
   Height     =  855
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   TabIndex    =  3
   Top       =  120
   Width      =  7095
   Begin VB.TextBox txtTitle 
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  400
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  285
     Left      =  120
     TabIndex    =  7
     Top       =  480
     Width      =  1035
   Begin VB.TextBox txtArtist 
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  400
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  285
     Left      =  1200
     TabIndex    =  6
     Top       =  480
     Width      =  1035
   Begin VB.TextBox txtAlbum 
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  400
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  285
     Left      =  2280
     TabIndex    =  5
     Top       =  480
     Width      =  1035
   Begin VB.TextBox txtGenre 
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  400
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  285
     Left      =  3360
     TabIndex    =  4
     Top       =  480
     Width      =  1035
   Begin VB.Label lblSongs 
     Caption     =  "Nbr songs"
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  700
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     ForeColor    =  &H00800000&
     Height     =  255
     Left      =  6000
     TabIndex    =  12
     Top       =  480
     Width      =  975
   Begin VB.Label lblGenre 
     Caption     =  "Genre"
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  700
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  255
     Left      =  3360
     TabIndex    =  11
     Top       =  240
     Width      =  735
   Begin VB.Label lblAlbum 
     Caption     =  "Album"
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  700
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  255
     Left      =  2280
     TabIndex    =  10
     Top       =  240
     Width      =  735
   Begin VB.Label lblArtist 
     Caption     =  "Artist"
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  700
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  255
     Left      =  1200
     TabIndex    =  9
     Top       =  240
     Width      =  735
   Begin VB.Label lblTitle 
     Caption     =  "Title"
     BeginProperty Font 
      Name      =  "Tahoma"
      Size      =  8.25
      Charset     =  0
      Weight     =  700
      Underline    =  0  'False
      Italic     =  0  'False
      Strikethrough  =  0  'False
     Height     =  255
     Left      =  120
     TabIndex    =  8
     Top       =  240
     Width      =  735
  Begin MSComctlLib.ListView lstMusic 
   Height     =  5295
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  1
   Top       =  480
   Width      =  2595
   _ExtentX    =  4577
   _ExtentY    =  9340
   View      =  1
   Arrange     =  2
   LabelEdit    =  1
   LabelWrap    =  -1 'True
   HideSelection  =  0  'False
   FullRowSelect  =  -1 'True
   _Version    =  393217
   Icons      =  "ImageList"
   SmallIcons   =  "ImageList"
   ForeColor    =  -2147483640
   BackColor    =  -2147483643
   BorderStyle   =  1
   Appearance   =  1
   BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} 
     Name      =  "Tahoma"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  400
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   NumItems    =  0
  Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlg 
   Left      =  1920
   Top       =  1800
   _ExtentX    =  847
   _ExtentY    =  847
   _Version    =  393216
  Begin MSFlexGridLib.MSFlexGrid grdMusic 
   Height     =  4695
   Left      =  2760
   TabIndex    =  0
   Top       =  1080
   Width      =  7215
   _ExtentX    =  12726
   _ExtentY    =  8281
   _Version    =  393216
   Rows      =  50
   Cols      =  7
   FixedCols    =  0
   BackColorBkg  =  -2147483633
   AllowBigSelection=  0  'False
   ScrollTrack   =  -1 'True
   FocusRect    =  0
   SelectionMode  =  1
   AllowUserResizing=  1
   BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} 
     Name      =  "Tahoma"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  400
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
  Begin MSComctlLib.ImageList ImageList 
   Left      =  1920
   Top       =  720
   _ExtentX    =  1005
   _ExtentY    =  1005
   BackColor    =  -2147483643
   ImageWidth   =  16
   ImageHeight   =  16
   MaskColor    =  12632256
   _Version    =  393216
   BeginProperty Images {2C247F25-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
     NumListImages  =  1
     BeginProperty ListImage1 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
      Picture     =  "frmMain.frx":0ECA
      Key       =  ""
  Begin VB.Label Label2 
   Caption     =  "Playlists:"
   BeginProperty Font 
     Name      =  "Tahoma"
     Size      =  8.25
     Charset     =  0
     Weight     =  700
     Underline    =  0  'False
     Italic     =  0  'False
     Strikethrough  =  0  'False
   ForeColor    =  &H00800000&
   Height     =  255
   Left      =  120
   TabIndex    =  2
   Top       =  120
   Width      =  735
  Begin VB.Menu mnuExtractMenu 
   Caption     =  "ExtractMenu"
   Visible     =  0  'False
   Begin VB.Menu mnuExtract 
     Caption     =  "Extract file(s)..."
   Begin VB.Menu mnuExtractPlaylist 
     Caption     =  "Export to playlist..."
   Begin VB.Menu mnuGoto 
     Caption     =  "Go to location..."
   Begin VB.Menu mnuPlayFile 
     Caption     =  "Play file(s)..."

After the defaults are set, you can begin to examine the iTunes database installed on your iPod. The following function begins this process:

Public Sub loadiTunesDatabase()
  On Error GoTo loaderr  
  Dim srcDrive As String, appPath As String
  srcDrive = getSourceDrive(True)  
  Open srcDrive & "ipod_control\itunes\itunesdb" For Binary As #1  
  Dim offset As Long  
  Get #1, 209, nbrIPodSongs  
  ReDim iPodSongs(nbrIPodSongs)  
  offset = 293  
  Dim row As Long
  row = 1  
  Dim x As Long
  For x = 1 To nbrIPodSongs
    If readSong(1, offset, row) = False Then  'finished reading song list
      readPlaylists 1, offset
      Exit For
    End If    
    row = row + 1
  Close #1  
  lstMusic.ListItems.Add , , "(All Songs)", , 1
  For x = 0 To nbrIPodPlaylists - 1
    lstMusic.ListItems.Add , , iPodPlaylists(x).title, , 1
  Me.MousePointer = vbNormal
  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "There was an error loading your iTunesDB file! Please make sure you are running SharePod from your iPod drive!" & vbCr & vbCr & "The error was: " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description, vbExclamation
End Sub

After you know where your files are, you can read them. The following code allows you to do this:

Private Function readSong(handle As Long, offset As Long, row As Long) As Boolean
  Dim readWholeEntry As Boolean
  Dim readWholeDB As Boolean
  Dim entry As MHOD_ENTRY
  Dim song As SONG_TYPE
  Dim mhit As MHIT_ENTRY
  readWholeEntry = False
  readWholeDB = False
  mhit = readMHitEntry(handle, offset)
  While readWholeEntry = False And readWholeDB = False
    entry = readMHodEntry(handle, offset)
    If entry.Data = "-1" Then readWholeEntry = True
    If entry.Data = "-2" Then
      readWholeDB = True
    End If
    If entry.type = TYPE_SONG Then
      song.title = entry.Data
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_ARTIST Then
      song.artist = entry.Data
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_album Then
      song.album = entry.Data
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_GENRE Then
      song.genre = entry.Data
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_FILETYPE Then
      song.fileType = entry.Data
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_FILEPATH Then
      song.filename = entry.Data
      song.filename = Replace(song.filename, ":", "\")
    ElseIf entry.type = TYPE_COMMENT Then
      song.comment = entry.Data
    End If
  Wend = Trim(
  iPodSongs(row - 1) = song 
  song.title = ""
  song.artist = ""
  song.album = ""
  song.comment = ""
  song.filename = ""
  song.fileType = ""
  song.genre = ""
   readSong = Not readWholeDB
End Function

The data is sorted into ordered lists, such as album and title, so you can sort through your music more easily.

You can now select any song and right-click the mouse to select Play to hear the song in iTunes. This is the code that allows you to do this:

Private Sub mnuPlayFile_Click()
  If grdMusic.row <> grdMusic.RowSel Then
    writePlayList Environ("TEMP") & "\sharepod_temp.m3u"
    ShellExecute hwnd, "open", Environ("TEMP") & "\sharepod_temp.m3u", vbNullString, "C:\", 1
    Dim filename As String
    Dim srcDrive As String
    srcDrive = getSourceDrive(False)
    filename = srcDrive & grdMusic.TextMatrix(grdMusic.row, enmSongFileName)
    ShellExecute hwnd, "open", filename, vbNullString, "C:\", 1
  End If
End Sub

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Last Update: November 17, 2020