Step 4a: Add the Code to a Web Page
The last step is to add the embedding code to your Web page or blog entry. How you add the code depends on the type of site you need to place it on.
Placing it on a Web page requires that you enter the following HTML code, customized for your movie, into your Web page document. You’ll need to use an HTML editor to insert it manually.
Here’s the code:
<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="" width="n" height="n"> <param name="src" value="movieposterurl"> <param name="href" value="movieurl"> <param name="target" value="myself"> <param name="autoplay" value="true"> <param name="controller" value="false"> <param name="pluginspage" value=""> <param name="type" value="video/quicktime"> <embed src="movieposterurl" href="movieurl" target="myself" width="n" height="n" autoplay="true" controller="false" border="0" pluginspage="" type="video/quicktime"></embed> </object>
Obviously, you need to edit this code to match your content. Replace the n variables with the width and height of the movie, including the 16 pixel height extension. (In my example, it would be 307 and 246, respectively.) Then replace the movieposterurl and movieurl variables with the complete URL to your poster movie and movie files.
It may seem as if you’re adding the QuickTime file twice. You are. Due to inconsistencies in browsers (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer), it’s best to use both kinds of embedding codes. Don’t worry. The movie will appear only once.
If you use a Web-editing tool like Dreamweaver, it may have built-in tools for embedding QuickTime content. Try that first. It may be a lot easier.
No matter how you make this change, don’t forget to upload the modified HTML file to your Web site.