- Our Sample File
- Making a Link
- Copy a Link? Yes, We Can!
- A Link to the Outside World
- Final Coolness 1: Email Links
- Final Coolness 2: Automatic Web Links
Final Coolness 1: Email Links
It’s pretty common for web pages to have a link that lets the reader send an email to the company for complements, complaints, and customer support.
A PDF web link can do this same thing; you create an “email link” just as you create a web link, but you type an email address into the Edit URL dialog box rather than a web page’s URL; the email address must be preceded by the keyword “mailto:” (including the colon), as in Figure 14. When the readers click on this link, Acrobat launches their email clients and opens a new email message with the destination address already filled in (Figure 15).

Figure 14 To make an email link, just enter mailto:person@domain.com into the Edit URL dialog box.

Figure 15 An email link opens the reader’s email browser with a new, pre-addressed email message.