- Evaluating the Original Photograph
- Getting Familiar with the Interface
- Working with the Focus Bug
- Customizing the Blur and Bokeh Effect
- Finishing Touches
- Conclusion
Getting Familiar with the Interface
Once you’re ready to begin, choose File > Automate > Focal Point 2. The interface looks and is organized very much like Photoshop Lightroom. The major difference is that the tools for this plugin are located along the bottom-right portion of the window, near the Cancel and Apply buttons (Figure 2). Later we’ll discuss the two most important tools (the Focus Bug and Focus Brush), and there are also a Hand tool (shortcuts: H, Space Bar) and Zoom tool (Z).

Figure 2 The Focal Point 2 user interface with default options applied to the image.
Down the right side of the window is a group of collapsible panels that house most of the controls needed to perfect your blur effects. By default, a circular blur is applied to the image preview. If you move the cursor over the preview, a white circle with handles should appear. This widget is called the Focus Bug. It provides a means of directly interacting with the image preview, and is the inspiration for the Masking Bug that was added to the most recent update of Perfect Mask.