- Tip 1: Learn Premiere Pro's Most Important Layout Features: Workspaces, Panels, and Panel Menus
- Tip 2: Adapt Your Keyboard (or Don't)
- Tip 3: How to 'See' Audio
- Tip 4: Get to Know the Grave Key
- Tip 5: How to Import Sequences from Other Premiere Pro Projects
- Tip 6: How to Import Projects from Final Cut Pro or Avid
- What's Next?
Tip 4: Get to Know the Grave Key
The grave accent (`) is under the tilde (~) key on your keyboard, as shown in Figure 8. Pressing the grave key while hovering over any part of the interface blows it up to full-screen size. This trick is fantastic on a laptop, where you need more real estate, but it's powerful on any system if you have to look at lots of list-based metadata in the Project panel. It's also great in Icon view, to see lots of shots quickly.

Figure 8 The grave key is at upper left on U.S. keyboards.
Don't miss that you can pass your mouse over any clip and "hover scrub" to see its contents. It's a quick way to scrub the clips without loading them!