The Case of the Bald Biker
Nick, Leslie, and Ryan formed a team that was given the following design challenge:
Make biking more luxurious for bald people
They broke up the Sponge step. Leslie did qualitative interviews with bald bikers. Ryan observed bald bikers in the wild. Nick did online research to understand current product offerings for bikers.
Then they shared their findings with each other. They found an important problem. Bald bikers were not happy with their helmets because:
- Many helmets are not solid caps, but have holes in the top for ventilation. These holes put the bald scalp at risk of sunburn. The more advanced the helmet, the more pronounced the issues were. The nicest helmet cost $180 and looked like swiss cheese.
Many helments are padded with a foam which, when lubricated with sweat, makes it slip on a smooth head.
Activity: The Bald Biker Spark Frame
Use the Case of the Bald Biker to fill out the rest of the Spark Frame below!

Activity: Bald Biker Sketch Challenge
Sketch three designs using the outlines below, and three more from scratch! Then compare yours with someone elses’ if you can.

Activity: An Alarming Digital Sketch Challenge
Designers sketch for digital solutions as well as physical products. Try your hand at digital sketching below by drawing two different digital alarm clock interfaces for a handheld mobile device. Try to design a digital alarm clock that would make waking up less heinous for night owls:

Did you enjoy digital sketching? If so, try to design a digital interface that would help our bald bikers plan for the day.