56 Listen to Your Clients
If you’re anything like me, you typically turn your nose up at your clients’ posing suggestions. Aren’t we the artists being paid tons of money? Yes, but we photographers are here to serve our clients, not just photograph them. Talking to them and listening to their ideas is part of that process—an important part!
Before every shoot, often weeks before, I ask the couple if they want to shoot, try, or do anything specific. I also ask if they want to feature any specific locations or ideas. I admit, I dread shooting those ideas, but I never let on to my clients. No frustrated creativity on my part is worth an unhappy client.
Sometimes, the clients’ ideas make an amazing image I’d not imagined. One couple had an adorable habit of her kissing his nose. So, for the rest of the day we’d try that from time to time, and the image here is one of my all-time favorites! I wouldn’t have such a beautiful shot as Figure 4.3 had I not listened to my clients.

FIGURE 4.3 Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF85mm f/1.2L USM lens, f/2.0, 1/800 sec., Aperture-Priority mode at +2.3, ISO 1000.