In this sample chapter from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book (2020 release), author Rafael Concepcion teaches you how to design beautiful, sophisticated book layouts, and then publish them without leaving Lightroom.
Getting started
Before you begin, make sure you’ve set up the LRClassicCIB folder for your lesson files and created the LRClassicCIB Catalog file to manage them, as described in “Accessing the lesson files and Web Edition” and “Creating a catalog file for working with this book” in the “Getting Started” section at the start of this book.
If you haven’t already done so, download the lesson07 folder from your Account page at to the LRClassicCIB\Lessons folder, as detailed in “Accessing the lesson files and Web Edition” in the “Getting Started” section.
Start Lightroom Classic.
In the Select Catalog dialog box, make sure the file LRClassicCIB Catalog.lrcat is selected under Select A Recent Catalog To Open, and then click Open.
Lightroom Classic will open in the screen mode and workspace module that were active when you last quit. If necessary, switch to the Library module by clicking Library in the Module Picker at the top of the workspace.
The first step is to import the images for this lesson into the Lightroom library.
In the Library module, click the Import button below the left panel group.
If the Import dialog box appears in compact mode, click the Show More Options button at the lower left of the dialog box to see all the options in the expanded Import dialog box.
Under Source at the left of the expanded Import dialog box, locate and select your LRClassicCIB\Lessons\lesson07 folder. Ensure that all 23 images in the lesson07 folder are selected (checked) for import.
In the import options above the thumbnail previews, select Add so that the imported photos will be added to your catalog without being moved or copied. Under File Handling at the right of the expanded Import dialog box, choose Minimal from the Build Previews menu and leave the Don’t Import Suspected Duplicates option unselected. Under Apply During Import, choose None from both the Develop Settings menu and the Metadata menu and type Lesson 07, Dubai in the Keywords text box. Make sure that your import is set up as shown in the illustration below, and then click Import.
The 23 images are imported and now appear in both the Library module’s Grid view and the Filmstrip across the bottom of the Lightroom workspace.
Assembling photos for a book
The first step in creating a book is to gather the photos you wish to include. Since we just imported them, the images for this lesson are already isolated from the rest of your catalog in the Previous Import folder, which is selected as the image source.

The Previous Import folder is merely a temporary grouping and you can’t rearrange the images inside it, or exclude a photo from your project without removing it from the catalog entirely. Instead, use either a collection or a single folder without subfolders as the source for the images in your book; both will let you reorder photos in the Grid view or the Filmstrip. For this exercise, you’ll create a collection—you can exclude an image from a collection without deleting it from your catalog.
Make sure that either the Previous Import folder in the Catalog panel or the lesson07 folder in the Folders panel is selected as the image source, then press Command+A/Ctrl+A or choose Edit > Select All.
Click the plus sign (+) button in the Collections panel’s header and choose Create Collection. In the Create Collection dialog box, type Dubai as the name for the collection. Make sure that the Include Selected Photos option is selected and all the other options are disabled, and then click Create. Your new collection appears in the Collections panel, where it is automatically selected.
Choose Edit > Select None. In the Toolbar, set the Sort order to File Name, then click Book in the Module Picker at the top of the workspace.