Editing photos in the Organizer
You can fix a range of common image problems without even leaving the Organizer.

In the Media Browser, select the image DSCF6658.jpg. Click the Instant Fix button (
) in the taskbar to open the image in Instant Fix mode, and then click the Light button (
) in the actions bar at right.
Experiment with the slider; as you work, the original state of the image is indicated by a red marker. Drag the slider upward from its original position about two thirds of the way to the top. Click Save at the lower right of the workspace, and then click Done.
The edited file is grouped with the original in a version set and will appear in the media browser as the top image.
Click the arrow at the right of the image frame to expand the version set. In the expanded version set, select the unedited original, DSCF6658.jpg. Click the Instant Fix button (
) in the taskbar; then, click the Color button (
) in the actions bar. Experiment with the slider; then, drag it upward from its original position about two thirds of the way to the top. Click Save, and then click Done.
Making sure that you select the original image each time, repeat the process for the Clarity (
) and Smart Fix (
) adjustments, saving the results as you did in step 3. Drag the Clarity slider to about one quarter from the bottom to give the image a soft, “dreamy” look. There is no slider for the Smart Fix edit; Smart Fix is a one-click tool that analyzes the image and then combines multiple adjustments to correct exposure, contrast, color balance, and saturation automatically.
Double-click the original image to see it in the single image view. Use the left arrow key on your keyboard to compare the unedited photo with the results of your single-click adjustments. Double-click the enlarged image to return to the thumbnail view. Select all four edited versions; then, right-click any of the selected thumbnails and choose Delete Selected Items From Catalog.
In the Confirm Deletion From Catalog dialog box, click to activate the option Also Delete Selected Item(s) From The Hard Disk; then, click OK. You’ll use different techniques to edit this photo later in the lesson.
In the Media Browser, select the image DSC06379.jpg, and then click the Instant Fix button (
). Click the Light button (
), and then drag the slider up about halfway to the top from where it started. Click the Color button (
), then drag the slider down about halfway to the bottom. Toggle the switch in the taskbar to compare before and after views.
You’ve improved this photo dramatically in just a few moments—without even leaving the Organizer.
Click the Back button (
) at the upper left of the Instant Fix workspace; then, click No in the Save Changes dialog. You’ll work more with this photo in the next exercise.