- Chapter Objectives
- Introduction
- Creating a New Drawing
- Model Space and Layout Space
- Communicating with AutoCAD
- Object Snaps, Ortho Mode, and Polar Tracking
- Undo/Redo
- Grid and Snap
- Draw a Circle
- Navigating Around the Drawing
- Object Properties
- Layers
- Dimension Styles
- Dimensioning
- Modifying Drawing Objects
- Grip Editing
- Introduction to Advanced Editing Techniques
- Cleaning Up Layout Space
- Plotting and Page Setups
- Chapter Summary
- Chapter Test Questions
Object Properties
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, when you create a drawing, you are placing AutoCAD objects in the drawing. When you create an object, AutoCAD will ask you to specify the various aspects or properties of that object. Chapter 1 described how some properties are common to all objects (for example, layer and color) and other properties are unique to a given type of object (for example, the radius of a circle or the height of text).
properties: The settings that control how and where a drawing object is shown in the drawing.
When you double-click on most objects, AutoCAD displays the Quick Properties palette. This palette displays the properties of the selected object. Figure 2-18 shows the Quick Properties palette for a line segment. If more than one object is selected, AutoCAD will show only common properties of all the selected objects. You can change the properties of any selected object by changing their values in the Quick Properties palette.

Figure 2-18 The Quick Properties palette