Layout Tools
Before we start building book pages, let's take a moment to look at the tools iPhoto gives you to get the job done.
By default, the top part of the window displays the photos in the album on which you based the book. These are the unplaced photos—the ones you haven't placed on a page yet. You drag photos from this row into the photo spaces in book layout pages.
You can change the view to display book page spreads. Just click the top button on the left end of the row of photos. The view changes to show spreads, as shown in Figure 5. You can use this as a quick way to navigate from one spread or page to another—just click the page you want. You can also use it to rearrange pages by dragging a page or spread to a new position in the row.

Figure 5 If you prefer, you can display book page spreads at the top of the window.
There are also several toolbar buttons along the bottom of the window:
- View enables you to switch from spread to page view.
- Themes redisplays the dialog box shown earlier in Figure 3 so you can change the book format, size, and theme.
- Page Type is a menu you can use to change the type of page you're working on. Note that some pages can't be changed; for example, you must have a Cover at the beginning of the book.
- Page Design is a menu of page layouts you can apply to the current page. Again, for some types of pages, your options are limited.
- Add Pages adds two pages to your layout after the currently displayed page.
- Autoflow automatically adds unplaced photos to the placeholders in your book. (I don't use this feature; I like to do it manually.)
- Settings displays a dialog box that you can use to change
font settings and other options throughout the book (see Figure 6). If you plan
to change a book's fonts, use this dialog box before you start building
your pages, so the text is properly sized before you begin.
Figure 6 Set font options in a dialog box like this one.
- Buy Book sends your book order to Apple's server. Use that button when you're finished creating your book.
- Back and Forward enable you to scroll through book pages.