Brushed Metal
First things first. You need a copy of Eye Candy 5: Impact to follow along. The good news is that there's a 30-day demo available here. After it's downloaded and installed, open Photoshop and create a new document that's 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. Most of the shapes used in this interface are created with the Rounded Rectangle Tool, set to Fill Pixels. And every time you add a new shape you'll want to create a new layer for it. The first shape will be the brushed metal background of the interface, so create a rounded rectangle that's 788 pixels wide by 590 pixels high, or thereabouts. Set Radius to 8 px for this particular rounded rectangle's corners. It doesn't matter what color you choose because the Brushed Metal filter will replace that color, anyway. I applied a drop shadow Layer Style to give the shape some depth. Figure 9 shows the settings I used for the drop shadow. Double-click on the layer in the Layers palette and assign a drop shadow to your shape.
Figure 9 Drop shadow settings.
Now it's time to apply the first Impact filter. Select Filter from the main menu; then click on Alien Skin Eye Candy: Impact and choose Brushed Metal. You might notice that you can select a check box that says Create Output In New Layer Above Current. This option allows you to keep the original layer containing the rounded rectangle intact. Another nice feature is the ability to save your settings and reuse them. Assign the settings you see in Figure 10 to the rounded rectangle by using the Factory Default setting as a starting point. I used a gray with the value of #d5d3d3 for Metal Color. Click OK to apply the effect and move on to the next step.
Figure 10 Applying the Brushed Metal filter.
There should be an inlay to put all the song information in this interface, so create another rounded rectangle on a new layer, with a width of 756 and a height of 438 and a corner radius of 6 px. This time its fill should be white because it will be visible beneath the new brushed metal layer. Center the new shape by selecting the layer and using the Move tool's Align Horizontal Centers button. Assign a new Brushed Metal effect, this time using the Circular Steel preset. Set the new layer's opacity to 30% so the white layer shows through.
Now create two more new layers, the first with a greenish (#d6dbbf) rounded rectangle with a corner radius of 30, a width of 424 pixels, and a height of 54 pixels. Center the shape on the layer. The second layer should contain a white rounded rectangle with a corner radius of 20, a width of 126 pixels, and a height of 20 pixels. Move this shape to the center right of the greenish shape. So far, your interface should look similar to what's shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 The story so far.