Creating the Podcast Page In iWeb
The first step of creating a podcast using iLife ’06 is to create a podcast page in iWeb. This can be part of an existing Web site you created using iWeb or it can be the first and only page of a new site. To create the podcast page, launch iWeb and choose New Page from the File Menu (or press Apple+N) to bring up the New Page dialog box. If you haven’t created any sites or pages in iWeb before, the New Page dialog box will appear automatically when you launch iWeb.
In the left pane of the New Page dialog box, choose one of Apple’s 12 Web page themes, select the Podcast template in the right pane, and click Choose (see Figure 1). As with blog pages in iWeb, a podcast page actually displays as three separate pages in the Site Organizer pane: the main podcast page, a podcast entries page, and an archive page. To see all three in the site organizer, you must click the disclosure triangle next to the main podcast page.

Figure 1 Selecting a podcast page from iWeb’s New Page dialog box
The main podcast page displays a list of recent podcast episodes (aka entries), information about the podcast, and a button to subscribe to the podcast using iTunes. The archive page displays a list of all podcast episodes. The entries page displays a list of all podcast episode pages at the top of the iWeb workspace. When you click an episode page, the page is displayed in the workspace for editing (see Figure 2).
You can edit these pages just as you edit any other page in iWeb (we’ll get to some podcast-specific editing later in this article). However, one thing I want to mention is that there will be a filler podcast episode created when you create the podcast page. Because this episode does not automatically get deleted when you begin adding your own episodes, you need to delete it manually by selecting it in the list that displays when you click the entries page in the Site Organizer and then click Delete Entry below the list.