- Step 1: Create the Podcast File
- Step 2: Set Episode Options (Optional)
- Step 3: Upload the Podcast File to Your Server
- Step 4: Configure Your WordPress Blog for the Podcast Category
- Step 5: Create an Entry for your Podcast Episode
- Step 6: Create the Podcast Feed
- Step 7: Subscribe to Your Feed
- Step 8: Troubleshoot
- Step 9: List Your Podcast on iTunes
- Step 10: Tweak
Step 6: Create the Podcast Feed
Although WordPress creates its own RSS feeds for an entire blog and its individual categories, FeedBurner does a better job. It also enables you to incorporate features that are specific to podcasting. It takes a few minutes to set up, but once it’s done, it’s done. You only have to perform this step once.
- Visit http://www.feedburner.com.
- If you don’t already have an account, create one. It’s free.
- Log into your FeedBurner account.
- Click the My Feeds link. (There are quicker ways to get where we’re going, but I want to make sure that we’re all on the same page here.)
- Under your list of feeds (if you have any) is a box labeled "Burn a
feed right this instant" (see Figure 8). Enter the URL for your podcast
category’s WordPress feed in this box. For example, here’s my
site’s URL:
If your blog is in a folder (for example, wordpress) inside your site’s root directory, don’t forget to include that folder name in the URL.

Figure 8 Enter the URL for your podcast category’s RSS feed.
- Turn on the "I am a podcaster!" check box. This is very important.
- Click Next.
- If you entered the correct URL for your feed, you should see a Welcome
screen. In the Feed Title box, enter a title for your feed. In the Feed Address
box, complete the URL for your feed address. Figure 9 shows what mine looks
like. Be sure to write down the complete Feed Address. That’s the address
people will use to subscribe to your feed.
Figure 9 Enter basic information about your feed.
- Click Activate Feed.
- On the Claim Your Feed tab, click Next.
- On the Set Up Podcast tab, choose a category for your podcast. You may be able to select a subcategory, depending on the category you choose. Then fill out the rest of the form as desired. You don’t have to provide all of the information. If you provide a podcast image location, it should point to a 300×300 pixel image saved on your server. Click Next.
- On the Analyze Traffic tab, click Next.
That’s the important stuff. I’ll let you play on your own with the FeedBurner features for analyzing, optimizing, and publicizing your site.