ColorSync Script
Graphics work is the stock-in-trade for many Mac-based businesses, in part because they handle color and print issues so well. ColorSync is a key technology here, and Apple Script can be pressed into service to switch between ColorSync profiles for your display without the need to fire up the System Preferences panel every time. As with the QuickTime script detailed above, this is an ideal script to place in the Script Menu so that you can flip between profiles when working with graphics or any other document in which color fidelity is important.
on run set the_dialog to display dialog "Mac or PC?" buttons ["Mac", "PC"] default button 2 if button returned of result is "Mac" then tell application "ColorSyncScripting" to set display profile of display 1 to profile "My Mac ColorSync Profile" else if button returned of result is "PC" then tell application "ColorSyncScripting" to set display profile of display 1 to profile "My PC ColorSync Profile" end if end run
In this case, the first step is to create ColorSync profiles relevant to the task at hand using the Display Calibrator, which you can launch by clicking on the Calibrate button on the Color tab of the System Preference’s Displays pane. Here two profiles have been created, "My Mac ColorSync Profile" and "My PC ColorSync Profile". Once these have been created, a script is created that activates one or other of them depending on which button is pressed in a dialog box.

Figure 4 Scripts can be interactive, giving a layer of flexibility to scripts that adds to their usefulness.