- Mac OS X Server Essentials v10.6: Using File Services
- Dec 2, 2009
- This chapter addresses the topic of using Mac OS X Server to share files across a network, including how to set up share points with appropriate access settings and configure the specific sharing protocols that Mac OS X Server will use.
- 10 Reasons to Switch to Mac OS X Lion
- Jul 21, 2011
- Mac OS X 10.7 Lion has a slew of brand-new features and improvements. Tom Negrino offers ten reasons why you should upgrade.
- 10 Things You Might Not Know About FileVault 2
- Feb 9, 2015
- Rich Trouton, author of FileVault 2 for Mac OS X Decoded Learn by Video, has learned about a number of helpful (and largely undocumented) features of FileVault 2 in Mac OS X. This article details 10 of his most useful discoveries.
- 10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Keynote
- Apr 2, 2015
- Mark Wood, author of Apple Pro Training Series: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, offers 10 tips for making effective - maybe even genius! - Keynote presentations.
- 10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Numbers
- Mar 26, 2015
- Mark Wood, author of Apple Pro Training Series: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, shares 10 ways to harness the real power of Numbers.
- 10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Pages
- Apr 7, 2015
- Mark Wood, author of Apple Pro Training Series: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, provides real-world time-savers (and occasional pitfalls) in Pages.
- A Java Programmer's Introduction to Objective-C: Memory Management
- Sep 23, 2005
- Developers continue to debate the question of memory management solutions. Which is best? Although Objective-C's retain/release runs smoother and faster than Java's garbage collection, it places a much larger burden on the developer and introduces a much larger risk of memory leaks. In the first of a series of articles that detail the important differences between Java and Objective-C, Marcus Zarra compares and contrasts memory management in Java and Cocoa/Objective-C.
- A Tour of Dashcode in Mac OS X Leopard
- Jan 4, 2008
- Dashboard widgets have been a great feature of Mac OS X since Tiger was released. With Leopard, Apple has introduced Dashcode, an intuitive tool for creating widgets that is both easy and fun to use. Ryan Faas tells you how easy it can be to create a news/headline widget, for example, in just a few minutes.
- A Windows User’s Intro to the Mac Mini
- Sep 16, 2005
- If the Apple Mac Mini has you curious about adding this to your setup or switching from a PC, you'll want to read up on Paul Ferrill's journey back into the world of Apple after a long hiatus. Here you'll get a personal tour of some features of OS X Tiger, to compare them to similar Windows functions.
- Aaack!! HELP!
- Jul 1, 2001
- Peachpit art
- Absolutely the Last Article You Need To Read About Absolute References in Excel
- Jan 7, 2005
- Ever copy a formula you think is perfect and have surprising (and incorrect) results in the destination cells? You might be missing out on a feature of Excel that can make your spreadsheet work easier.
- Accessing an Active Directory Service with OS X Directory Services v10.5
- Oct 22, 2008
- It's easy to integrate Mac OS X into an Active Directory environment. This chapter shows you how.
- Adding a Submenu to a Menu in OS X
- Dec 14, 2001
- Join expert author Dan Parks Sydow as he explores adding a submenu to a menu in a Mac OS environment.
- Alternate Authentication Methods Under Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server
- Apr 27, 2007
- Using smart cards or similar products can greatly enhance the security of a network and of individual workstations (including portable computers and those used for remote access). Ryan Faas shows you how to implement these alternatives to static usernames and passwords on the Macs in your network.
- Animate Your Slides for a Killer Keynote Presentation
- Aug 11, 2006
- Adding animation to your slides is an important step in finalizing a presentation. You can create several types of animation in Keynote. Two of the most common are builds and transitions. This chapter will give you step-by-step instructions to animate your slides and give sizzle to your presentations.
- Apple Management Concepts for Deploying and Maintaining iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks Devices
- Aug 26, 2014
- This chapter from Managing Apple Devices: Deploying and Maintaining iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks Devices defines Apple’s goals related to iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks Devices, introduces the key iOS and OS X features and services you will use when managing Apple devices, and explores the most common deployment scenarios, or models, to provide a framework on which to build your specific deployment plans.
- Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Lion Server Essentials: Managing Accounts
- Jan 23, 2012
- Account management in OS X Lion encompasses fine-tuning the user experience by managing preferences and settings for users, groups, devices, and device groups. Ben Greisler and Arek Dreyer show you how.
- Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Lion Support Essentials: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Lion: Data Management
- Dec 6, 2011
- This chapter focuses on the composition and organization of the files and folders that make up Lion. In this chapter you, acting as an administrator, will use the file layout to strategically allocate resources. You will also work with many Mac-specific file technologies, including resource forks, packages, Quick Look, and Spotlight. Finally, you will use the built-in features for archiving data on the Mac, and learn how to back up and restore data using Time Machine.
- Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.10: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Yosemite: Application Troubleshooting
- Mar 18, 2015
- Just as each application is designed to provide unique features, problems often manifest in unique ways as well. Fortunately, there are a variety of general troubleshooting steps you can take when diagnosing and resolving an application issue, as discussed in this excerpt from Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.10: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Yosemite.
- Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.10: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Yosemite: FileVault Technology
- Mar 4, 2015
- The current FileVault solution is more than just a new volume format; it’s a system of new technologies that enables your Mac to transition from a standard system volume to a protected system volume. The authors of Apple Pro Training Series: OS X Support Essentials 10.10: Supporting and Troubleshooting OS X Yosemite introduce FileVault technology in this excerpt.