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Lesa Snider

Lesa Snider, photographer and founder of, is on a mission to teach the world to create better imagery. She’s the author of Photoshop CC: The Missing Manual; Photos for Mac and iOS: The Missing Manual; and The Skinny series of ebooks ( Lesa has recorded over 40 video courses ( on topics such as image editing, graphic design, and stock photography. Her tutorials are featured on (, and she writes a weekly column for (, the “Beginner’s Workshop” column for Photoshop User magazine, and monthly features for Photo Elements Techniques magazine ( She lives in Boulder, Colorado, with her husband, Jay Nelson, and their four feisty felines. Lesa is chasing a black belt in Muay Thai kickboxing, as well as Ozzy Osbourne’s autograph. You can connect with her online on Twitter at @PhotoLesa or at