- Types of Frames
- Creating Basic Shapes
- Selecting Objects
- Moving Objects
- Replicating Objects
- Resizing Objects
- Using the Transform Tools
- Using the Transform Panel
- Using the Transform Commands
- Using the Arrange Commands
- Aligning Objects
- Smart Dimensions; Smart Spacing
- Using the Gap Tool
- Grouping and Pasting Into Objects
- Using the Control Panel for Objects
- Using the Measure Tool
- Using the Info Panel with Objects
- Locking Objects
- Selecting Frames
Creating Basic Shapes
You use the rectangle, ellipse, and polygon frame tools to create graphic frames into which you place images.
To create a rectangular graphic frame:
- Click the Rectangle Frame tool in the Tools panel
- Drag across the page to create the rectangle.
- Release the mouse button when the rectangle is the correct size.
To create an elliptical graphic frame:
- Click the Ellipse Frame tool in the Tools panel
- Drag across the page to create the ellipse.
- Release the mouse button when the ellipse is the correct size.
You can also create rectangles and ellipses by specifying their size numerically.
To create objects numerically:
- Click with either the Rectangle or Ellipse Frame tools. A dialog box appears
- Enter the width and height amounts.
- Click OK. The frame appears where the mouse was clicked.
To create a polygon graphic frame:
- Double-click the Polygon Frame tool in the Tools panel
. This opens the Polygon Settings dialog box
- Enter a number in the field for the Number of Sides to the polygon.
- To create a star, change the amount in the Star Inset field from 0% to a higher number.
- Drag across the page to create the polygon or star.
- Release the mouse button when the polygon or star is the correct size.
InDesign is definitely the program for anyone who says they can’t even draw a straight line. The Line tool makes it easy.
To create straight lines:
- Click the Line tool in the Tools panel
- Position the cursor where you want the line to start.
- Drag to create a line.
- Release the mouse button where you want the line to end.