Making the Preflight Profile
Start by selecting the Preflight tool in the Print Production panel (Figure 3); Acrobat will present you with the same collection of profiles that we saw in the previous article (Figure 4). (You did re-read that article, didn’t you?) As I said last time, this is a comprehensive, well thought out set of profiles; however, I want something more precisely tailored to my needs, desires, and dreams.

Figure 3 We start by clicking on the same Preflight tool we used in the previous article.

Figure 4 We’re going to add a profile to Acrobat’s long list.
So, pull down the Options menu, located discreetly in the upper-right corner of the list of preflight profiles and select Create New Preflight Profile (Figure 5). (You could also modify an existing profile, but we’ll concentrate on creating a profile of our own.) Acrobat will display the busy-looking Edit Profile dialog box (Figure 6) with a new profile added to the list of profiles on the left.

Figure 5 Select Create New Preflight Profile from the Options menu. Notice you have a lot of other actions you can take through this menu; they’re worth exploring.

Figure 6 The Edit Profile dialog box allows us to specify exactly what we want our new profile to do. We’ll want to change the profile’s name to something sexier than “New Profile.”
This dialog box has two main areas to it:
- On the left is a list of all the existing preflight profiles, including the one you just added (initially named “New Profile 1” or something similar).
- To the right of the list, taking up most of the dialog box’s real estate, is a set of controls that varies according to circumstance. We’ll look at these in detail in a moment.
If you examine the entry for your new profile in the list on the left (Figure 7), you’ll see that beneath its name is a set of categories: Document, Pages, Images, etc. When you click on one of these, the right side of the dialog box is populated with controls that apply to that category. Creating a preflight profile is a simple matter of going down the list of categories, specifying what the preflight mechanism should look for in each category.

Figure 7 Each profile has a very large number of controls organized into categories. Creating a profile entails stepping through each category and selecting the checks you want Acrobat to perform. Budget some time for this; there are a lot of checks to choose from.
In this article, we’ll look only at the profile categories that matter for an eBook; that should be enough to let you explore the others on your own.