- Adding a Paragraph
- Specifying Fine Print
- Marking Important and Emphasized Text
- Creating a Figure
- Indicating a Citation or Reference
- Quoting Text
- Specifying Time
- Explaining Abbreviations
- Defining a Term
- Creating Superscripts and Subscripts
- Adding Author Contact Information
- Noting Edits and Inaccurate Text
- Marking Up Code
- Using Preformatted Text
- Highlighting Text
- Creating a Line Break
- Creating Spans
- Other Elements
Marking Important and Emphasized Text
The strong element denotes important text, whereas em represents stress emphasis. You can use them individually or together, as your content requires ( and
The first sentence has both strong and em, whereas the second has em only.

Browsers typically display strong text in boldface and em text in italics. If em is a child of a strong element (see the first sentence in
), its text will be both italicized and bold.
To mark important text
- Type <strong>.
- Type the text that you want to mark as important.
- Type </strong>.
To emphasize text
- Type <em>.
- Type the text that you want to emphasize.
- Type </em>.