Expressive Drawing with Pens and Particles in Painter 2015
Corel Painter is the ultimate digital art studio, with hundreds of brushes from which you can choose. For Today’s Suit, a fashion illustration sketch shown in Figure 1, I drew with the Thick n Thin Pen in Painter. Then I added color and more expression using Particle brushes to suggest fabrics and shapes, such as the model’s hat. New in Painter 2015, the Particle brushes offer a great variety of brush effects, from brushes that behave like traditional Bristle brushes to “special effects” brushes that paint random shapes and glows.

Figure 1 My fashion sketch Today’s Suit.
Step 1: Setting Up Brush Tracking
For the most responsive strokes during your painting session, set up Brush Tracking. This feature allows you to customize how Painter interprets the input of your stylus, including parameters such as pressure and speed. From the Edit/Corel Painter 2015 menu, choose Preferences > Brush Tracking and make a representative brushstroke in the window, as shown in Figure 2. For instance, if you plan to use both light and heavy pressure while sketching slowly and then quickly, make a brushstroke that includes these factors.

Figure 2 Setting up Brush Tracking for a personalized feel.