Working with Adobe Color Themes in Photoshop CC (2015 release)
Use the Adobe Color Themes panel to create and save color themes, explore themes from other designers, or view and edit your own saved themes.
To launch Photoshop CC, you need to be signed into your Creative Cloud account. Your account automatically syncs any color themes created in Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, or the Adobe Color CC web service with any other CC application that uses color themes.
To create a color theme via the panel: 
- Display the Adobe Color Themes panel
by choosing that command from the Window > Extensions submenu.
On the panel, click Create.A To edit the current colors based on a rule, click an option from the color rule menu at the top of the panel.B
A On the Adobe Color Themes panel, we clicked Create to create a theme.
B We chose Analogous from the color rule menu.
- Near the bottom of the panel, click the color model you wish to edit in. (If only one color model is listed, click it to display the other models.)
To edit the non-base colors (no white triangle icon), do the following:
Click a color square below the wheel or a marker on the wheel, then drag any of the color component sliders.C All the colors (except the base color) will be modified. Drag the Brightness (bottom-most) slider to modify the selected color only.
C We clicked a color square, then dragged a color slider. Only non-base colors were modified.
Drag a color marker around the wheel to reposition all the markers (and shift their hues) except the base color marker. Drag a marker toward or away from the center to modify the saturation for that color only.
Note: Colors and markers will be modified independently of one another if Custom was chosen from the color rule menu.
To edit the base color, click the color square or color marker on the wheel that displays a white triangle icon, then drag the color sliders, including the Brightness (bottommost) slider, to modify all the colors in unison. Drag the base color marker toward or away from the wheel center to modify the saturation of all the colors, or drag it around the wheel to shift all the hues.D Note: To make another color into the base color, click near the bottom of its color square.
D We dragged the base color marker around the wheel to shift all the hues.
To name your new theme, replace the default name in the field at the bottom of the panel, then click Save.
- To make the selected color square the Foreground color, click the Click to Set Active Color button.
- To apply the Foreground color to the selected color square, click the Set Color from Active Color button.
- To add the color theme to the Swatches panel, click the Add to Swatches Panel button.
- To make the selected color square the Foreground color, click the Click to Set Active Color button.
To view your color themes: 
- Display the Adobe Color Themes panel, then click My Themes.
From the Actions menu below any theme,A do any of the following:
Choose Edit This Theme to load the theme into the Create pane for editing.
Choose Add to My Favorites to add the theme to your favorites list.
Choose Add to Swatches Panel to add the theme to the Swatches panel.
Choose View Online to launch the Adobe Color CC web service in your browser. Use this option to view all your themes and to delete a theme.
A We clicked My Themes to view our color themes. We are choosing an option from the Actions menu to make the “mountain” theme a Favorite.
Click any color square in a theme to make it the Foreground color.
- To view your favorite themes, choose My Favorites from the menu at the top of the pane. To remove a theme from your favorites list, choose Unfavorite from that theme’s Actions menu.
To view color themes from the Adobe Color CC community: 
Display the Adobe Color Themes panel, then click Explore.B
B We clicked Explore to view themes from the Adobe Color CC community of designers. From the menu at top, we could choose one of four categories to filter which themes will display.
- See step 2 in the task above to learn about the Actions menu options for each color theme.
- Click any color square in a theme to make it the Foreground color.
To filter the themes listed, do either of the following:
Choose a category from the menu at the top of the pane, then choose a time period from the adjacent menu.
In the Search field, enter a descriptive word, general topic, or tag name, then press Enter/Return.