63 Posing by the Book
Stuck in a posing rut? Look no further than the latest Nicholas Sparks book. Seriously, you’ll find some really good poses on there! A quick Google image search will do the trick. What do you notice the cover models all have in common?
- They’re not looking at the camera.
- They all seem to be in some “moment.”
- You can feel love in them.
- The Almost Kiss is in full effect in most.
- They’re close to each other.
- They make good use of their hands.
I have a little image folder on my iPhone of screenshots to pull up if I’m ever at a loss for a good pose. Figure 4.9 shows a shot that reminds me of the cover of Message in a Bottle.

FIGURE 4.9 Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF50mm f/1.2L USM lens, f/1.6, 1/640 sec., Aperture-Priority mode at +1/3, ISO 100.