62 The Almost Kiss
Remember back in science class when you learned about potential energy? Potential energy is energy that’s just waiting to happen; think of a ball sitting on top of a slide, right there on the brink of plunging down into awesomeness. Potential energy is the buzz of what’s about to happen and can add energy and drama to your images. For instance, everyone photographs the wedding or engagement couple kissing; instead, try capturing the instant before—the Almost Kiss (Figure 4.8)! The almost kiss is that mini-moment right before the actual kiss happens and is jam-packed with potential energy. Either ask your couple to hover with their lips just a centimeter apart (which couples often find is more fun than it sounds), or have them do a bunch of little kisses, then shoot for that moment right before one. Here’s to reaching your potential!

FIGURE 4.8 Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF85mm f/1.2L USM lens, f/1.2, 1/2500 sec., Aperture-Priority mode at –1/3, ISO 400.