- iPhoto: Organize and Share Your Digital Photos
- First, install iPhoto
- Open iPhoto
- Import your photos to iPhoto
- Viewing your photos
- iPhoto Preferences
- Create an Album and add photos to it
- The Organize view
- Arrange the order of the photos
- Keywords and searching
- The Edit view
- The Book view
- The Share view
- Export copies of your photos in various formats
- Extra tips and information
The Book view
Through iPhoto, you can create a professionally printed hard-bound copy of a Book you design with your photos and captions. It might be a catalog, picture book, story book, portfolio, or any other sort of Book you dream up. After you create it, you can order it with the click of a button and your beautiful Book will be delivered to your door. A ten-page book costs $30, and it's about $3 for each additional page.
To create a Book with your own photographs:
First create a new Album (as explained on page 276), or select an existing Album that contains the photos you want to use in a Book. The order that photos appear in an Album determines the order in which they appear in the book that you create. The first page in the Album will be the cover of your Book.
With your Album open, click the "Book" button to show the layout in the large viewing area, a scrolling thumbnails pane, and the layout tools in the lower pane.
Choose one of the design themes from the "Theme" pop-up menu.
Select a thumbnail page, then from the "Page Design" pop-up menu, choose a layout.
You can add titles and comments to each photo (see page 279).
To edit the text on a Book page, select the text in the text box and type your changes.
To add text directly to a Book page, click inside any text box and it will enlarge so you can see your text as you type.
To choose a font, go to the Edit menu and choose "Font...." If you need to rearrange photos, add or delete photos, or edit individual photos, click the "Organize" button to go back to your Album. Your Book for this Album will stay as you left it; when you return to the Book, it will reflect the changes you made in the Album.
Choose to show or hide "Titles," "Comments," and/or "Page Numbers" on the Album pages by clicking (or not clicking) their checkboxes. These options affect the entire Book, not individual pages.
Click the "Preview" button to see how your finished Book will look.
Yellow triangle?
When you create a Book, some images may display a low-resolution warning (a yellow triangle containing an exclamation mark). iPhoto warns you if a photo has a resolution that is lower than that recommended for quality printing. Such photos will still print, but they may look pixelated and jaggy, or appear to be of lower quality. If you plan to shoot photos for a Book, set your camera to at least a medium-quality setting, or even high-quality.
If a caution sign appears on a photo in Book view,
it means the photo may print at a very low quality.
Congratulations! You've designed and built a great looking coffee-table Book. To order copies of this Book with a single click, see the opposite page.
To order your Book:

After you create a Book (as explained on the previous pages), you can order hardbound copies of it using your Internet connection.
With the Book open on your screen, click the "Share" button.
Click "Order Book" in the lower pane. Your iMac will connect to the Internet (if it isn't already) and open the "Order Book" window, shown below. A "Progress" window opens on the Desktop as the "Assembling Book..." process takes place.
If the button in the lower right says, "Enable 1-Click Ordering," click it. You will be asked to start an Apple account and provide your name, address and credit card information (don't worrythis is safer than giving your card to an unknown waiter who takes it to the back room), as well as your shipping preferences. If you already have an Apple account, you will be asked to turn on 1-Click Ordering. Click OK.
In the "Order Book" window, choose a color for the cover, the quantity of Books (they will all be copies of this one Book), and the shipping options.
Click "Buy Now With 1-Click."
You'll see a "Transferring book ..." progress window that indicates the files for your Book are being transferred via the Internet to the publisher. Your Book will arrive on your doorstep in about a week.
Once you have this Apple account, you can order prints of your photos (see page 296) in iPhoto, and even order hardware and software from the Apple web site with one click.