- iPhoto: Organize and Share Your Digital Photos
- First, install iPhoto
- Open iPhoto
- Import your photos to iPhoto
- Viewing your photos
- iPhoto Preferences
- Create an Album and add photos to it
- The Organize view
- Arrange the order of the photos
- Keywords and searching
- The Edit view
- The Book view
- The Share view
- Export copies of your photos in various formats
- Extra tips and information
Export copies of your photos in various formats

There are still more ways to share your photos with iPhoto. The following export functions are available when you click the "Export" button.
Export copies or convert photos to other file formats
You might want to export photos to a different project folder, or convert them to another file format. This does not remove the photos from the Photo Library. The converted or exported photos will be copies of the originals; any changes you make to those copies will not affect the originals.
To export and/or convert photos:
Select a single photo, an Album, or a group of photos within an Album or the Photo Library.
Click the "Share" view button, then click the "Export" button (above).
In the "Export Images" window that appears, click the "File Export" tab.
From the Format pop-up menu, select a file format in which to save photos: "Original" saves photos in whatever format they currently use. "JPG," TIF," and "PNG" are the other options. If you're not familiar with file formats, "JPG" is a safe choice that anyone can use. Most digital cameras create photos in this format.
Name: "Use file names" means the exported photos will have the default names your digital camera assigned (such as DSCN0715.jpg). "Use titles" will name the photos with the titles you gave them in iPhoto (page 279).
Size: "Full-size images" will export photos the same size as the original. Or you can enter specific dimensions (in pixels).
Click "Export." In the "Export Images" dialog box (left), iPhoto automatically chooses the "Pictures" folder. If you want to put your copied photos into another, separate folder, click the "New Folder" button, and name the new folder. The pictures will be saved into that folder, which you can find in the Pictures folder.
Click "Save."
Export your photos as a web page

The Web Page option of the "Export Images" window is very different from the HomePage feature as explained on page 324. This Web Page tool creates a slightly plainer web site and saves it on your computerit does not post this site on Apple's server for you. You can upload this site yourself to a server of your choice, or you may want to burn the site to a CD to share with others.
Select an Album or a group of photos within an Album. The order the photos appear in an Album is the order they will appear in a Web Page.
Click the "Share" view button.
Click the "Export" button in the lower pane.
In the "Export Images" window that appears, click the "Web Page" tab.
Enter a title for the Web Page, and choose how many columns and rows of photographs to create on the start page (the first page).
Choose a background color: click the "Color" button, then click in the little box to the right of the button to get the color palette.
If you want to use a background image instead of a color, click the "Image" button, then click "Set ...." Find the image you want to use as a background; click OK.
Set maximum widths and heights for thumbnail images (the small, clickable images on the first page) and for full-size images (the large ones that will appear each on their own page).
Click "Export."
iPhoto automatically chooses the Sites folder in which to store your Web Page. You really need to create a new folder so all of these files will be nicely contained, and so you can create another Web Page someday without overwriting this one.
So click the "New Folder" button and name it. Then click OK. Your new Web Page and all of its related files will be stored in this folder.
To see your new Web Page (which is really a web site, not an individual web page), find the new folder you just made (it's in the Sites folder in your Home window, unless you put it somewhere else).
Double-click the file named index.html. It will open in your web browser (Internet Explorer), but it's not online! You're actually just opening files on your own hard disk. That is, if you wanted other people around the world to see this web page, you'll have to invite them to your house. This Web Page feature just builds the site for youit's your responsibility to upload it to a server if you want it online.
Web Page creates a
"start page" that contains
thumbnail versions of
your selected photos.
Single-click any thumbnail
to open a page that
displays a full-sized
version of that photo.
Export your photos as a QuickTime slide show you can give to friends

You can export photos as a QuickTime slide show that plays in the QuickTime player or in a program that supports QuickTime, such as a web browser. The QuickTime slide show can be put on a CD and sent to friends, posted on a web page, inserted into a PDF, or placed in a presentation in AppleWorks (see Chapter 10).
Select an Album or a group of photos within an Album or the Photo Library. (The order that photos appear in an Album is the order they will appear in the QuickTime movie.)
Click the "Share" view button.
Click the "Export" button in the lower pane.
In the "Export Images" window, click the "QuickTime" tab to show the QuickTime pane.
Images: Set the maximum width and height for the slide show images; 640 by 480 pixels is a standard measurement that works well (it's rather large). Set the amount of time that each image will stay on the screen.
Background: Choose a background color or a background image. If some of your photos have unusual dimensions, the empty background area will be filled with the color or image you choose.
Music: Click "Add currently selected music to movie." The slide show will play whatever piece of music you last chose in the Preferences window (as explained on page 275).
Click "Export."
In the "Export Images" dialog box, name the file. iPhoto automatically selects the "Movies" folder to save the slide show in.
Click "Save."
A QuickTime slide
show plays in the
QuickTime Player.
Click the "Play"
button (circled left)
to play the movie.
To open your QuickTime movie, click the "Home" icon in the Toolbar of any Finder window, then double-click the folder named "Movies." Double-click the QuickTime movie file that you just named and saved.
To play your QuickTime movie, click the "Play" button (the big triangle) on the QuickTime Player.