- iPhoto: Organize and Share Your Digital Photos
- First, install iPhoto
- Open iPhoto
- Import your photos to iPhoto
- Viewing your photos
- iPhoto Preferences
- Create an Album and add photos to it
- The Organize view
- Arrange the order of the photos
- Keywords and searching
- The Edit view
- The Book view
- The Share view
- Export copies of your photos in various formats
- Extra tips and information
First, install iPhoto
If iPhoto is not already installed on your iMac (look in the Applications folder for the "iPhoto" icon), you need to get the iPhoto CD that came with your iMac and install it.
Open the iMac CD tray (press the Media Eject key in the upper-right corner of the keyboard) and insert the iPhoto CD, label-side up. Press the Media Eject key again to close the tray.
Double-click the "iPhoto" CD icon that appears on your Desktop. This will open the CD window (shown below).
Double-click the "iPhoto" folder. It's always a good idea to read the "Read Me" file.
It's always a good idea to read the "Read Me" file.
The window now has a "package" named "iPhoto.mpkg." Double-click the package icon.

Follow the instructions in the next series of panels to guide you step-by-step through the rest of the installation.
Authorization: You must enter the Administrator name and password that you created for your "user account" when you set up your iMac.
Single-click the small padlock to open the "Authenticate" panel.
The version of iPhoto we used in this chapter is 1.1.1. If you have an earlier version, you can download the update (if you want) from www.apple.com/iphoto.
Authenticate: Enter your Administrator name and password, then click OK.
Important information: This is the licensing information. Read it (if you can get through it), then click "Continue." A "sheet" will drop down on top of the panelclick the "Agree" button to continue installation. (If you "Disagree" with the license agreement, the installation will quit.)
Select a Destination: Single-click on a disk icon to select a destination disk for the installation of iPhoto. Disks that you cannot install on, such as the iPhoto CD, shown in this example, are grayed out. Click "Continue."
Easy Install: Click the "Install" button. A "progress bar" will indicate the progress of the "Installation" and the "Finish Up" procedures. When the installation of iPhoto is finished, a Desktop message tells you that "Your software has been successfully installed." You can eject the CD (press the Media Eject key) and start using iPhoto.