Add Some Text
For the text in the upper window area, I used the AddWBitmap09 font (available here) with a font size of 9 (as is suggested in its name) and an anti-aliasing setting of None. The text color is #35362F. The song titles and information are done with the same text, this time in black. The Search text is simply Arial with a black color. I also added a magnifier icon by applying a 1-pixel stroke to a circular selection and then using the Pencil tool to draw its handle. To create the My Music List text and effect, I used 36 point Arial with an orange color of #ffab0b. I used Impact's Backlight filter with the settings shown in Figure 23 to create the cool fiery glow. It's basically the Short Flames preset with the direction handle moved to the bottom right. The text has a black to white Gradient Stroke layer style applied to it to add to the effect. That's pretty much it for the text. You can enter anything you want for song titles and information.

Figure 23 Fiery backlighting.