Background Information
Now it's time to give the inlay a bit of style by adding some horizontal and vertical lines. You can drag a Marquee selection that's 20 pixels high and not worry about its width, as long as it's wider than the inlay area. Align the first Marquee selection with the bottom of the inlay area and fill it with a gray color of #e1e1e1. Move the Marquee up 40 pixels and fill the selection again. Repeat these steps until you have enough horizontal stripes to fill the lower three quarters (give or take) of the inlay area.
Next, create some 1-pixel wide vertical lines on a new layer with a gray fill of #cccccc. The easiest way to achieve this is by using the Single Column Marquee tool. Now create a selection by Control-/Command-clicking on the inlay layer, inverting the selection, and pressing Delete to remove any overlapping lines and stripes. Position the text as necessary to line up with your horizontal stripes. Now you can finish things off by adding some highlights behind the text. I added a blue stripe behind one of the songs to indicate that it was selected. The blue stripe is #56efef in value, and its opacity is set to 60% with the blending mode set to Overlay. Finally, you can create another 20-pixel high selection and apply the Glass filter to it, with the settings shown in Figure 24. Trim the edges as necessary. Place this bar behind the Artist and Song Title text in your interface. Can you believe it? You're done!

Figure 24 Adding a glass bar.