- Choosing Your Template
- iWeb Main Window
- Replacing Filler Text
- Using the Media Palette to Replace the Stock Photos
- Adding More Photos to a Page
- Moving and Adjusting Photos
- Adding Movies
- Photo Albums
- Blogging with iWeb
- Changing the Names of Pages
- Creating Links
- Publishing a Site with iWeb
- Publishing to .Mac
- Publishing to a Folder
Creating Links
This brings us to last thing you need to know to create a great Web page quickly and easily in iWeb: how to create links to other pages (both inside your site and to other sites). Again, this is a pretty easy process and can be done in two ways. First, with its default settings, iWeb automatically detects Web addresses if you type them in a text box. So, you can simply type something like http://www.informit.com, and iWeb makes that text into a link to that address. However, most of the time you want your links to be descriptive words or pictures, not the full URL of a page—and there are times when iWeb might not recognize an address.
The other way to create links is by using the Inspector. To make any picture or section of text, first select it on a page (for text, select a single word or phrase while editing a text box, not the entire text box itself). Then click Inspector (if the Inspector palette isn’t already open). Choose the rightmost tab, which has a picture of a curved arrow. Select the Enable As A Hyperlink checkbox to make the selected text of picture into a link (see Figure 13). Then from the pop-up menu select the type of link you want to create: link to an external site, to one of the pages you’ve created in iWeb, an email address, or a file to download. If you select email or external site, enter your email address or the URL of the Web page to which you want to link. If you select One Of My Pages, select the page from the pop-up menu. If you select a file, you will be presented with a File Open dialog box and asked to locate the file (which will be published along with your site).

Figure 13 Inspector hyperlink tab
That’s all there is to it. A text link becomes underlined and that pictures will have a link icon (the same curved arrow as this tab of the Inspector) in the lower-right corner (which is displayed in iWeb only, not on published pages).