Adding Chapter Titles and URLs
Each segment of artwork displayed in the Podcast track is considered a chapter, and you can add a chapter title to each one to help you remember what each chapter represents. Notice that each time you add a photo it appears in a list in the editor at the bottom of the GarageBand window. To add a chapter title, just click the Chapter Title box next to the image in this list and type in the caption. Chapter titles are completely optional.
You can also add a URL to a chapter (see Figure 7). If you assign a URL to a chapter, someone listening to the podcast with iTunes can click the artwork while listening. This opens the Web browser and takes them to the URL that you entered. To add a URL, click the URL box in the list and enter it (including the http:// if it is a Web page). You can also enter a name for the URL in the Chapter URL box that displays in place of the URL when you publish the podcast. Like chapter titles, the use of URLs is completely optional.

Figure 7 Adding artwork and chapter information