- Step 1: Create the Podcast File
- Step 2: Set Episode Options (Optional)
- Step 3: Upload the Podcast File to Your Server
- Step 4: Configure Your WordPress Blog for the Podcast Category
- Step 5: Create an Entry for your Podcast Episode
- Step 6: Create the Podcast Feed
- Step 7: Subscribe to Your Feed
- Step 8: Troubleshoot
- Step 9: List Your Podcast on iTunes
- Step 10: Tweak
Step 3: Upload the Podcast File to Your Server
No one can access your podcast episode until you put it on a server, so that’s the next step.
Find the file on your hard drive. If you followed my instructions so far and exported to iPod, it’ll be in your Home folder down this path (see Figure 4):
~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Movies/
An episode number may appear at the beginning of the filename. If so, edit the filename to remove the episode number. You should also make the filename Internet-friendly by removing spaces, punctuation, and special characters. Keep the .m4v at the end of the filename, though. It’s very important.

Figure 4 The movie is saved in the Movies folder.
Now use your favorite FTP client software (I use Fetch on a Mac) to upload the file to your server. It doesn’t matter where you put it on the server, as long as you know the complete URL where it can be found. Do yourself a favor and write down that URL when you upload the file. Pay close attention to uppercase and lowercase characters; some servers use case-sensitive URLs (mine does).
If you’re waiting for me to explain exactly how to use your FTP client software, stop waiting. I won’t do it. Miraz Jordan and I wrote about it in our WordPress 2: Visual QuickStart Guide; if you have that book, you can look up instructions in the appendixes for a few popular FTP client packages. Otherwise, read the documentation that came with the software. You’ll figure it out.
Remember, if you plan to publish a video podcast, you’re going to need a server with plenty of spare disk space and bandwidth. This is another reason why you should keep file size as small as possible by releasing short episodes. If you’re looking for an affordable server, check out GoDaddy.com. Although lots of people don’t like GoDaddy, I’ve been using them for years and haven’t had any serious problems. And the price is pretty darn good.