Add Email Notification to Your Blog with FeedBurner
Blog readers can check most blogs for new content by using a web browser to visit the blog, or by setting up an RSS reader to subscribe to the blog’s feed. But these methods aren’t practical for the millions of folks who don’t surf the Web regularly, or subscribe to RSS feeds. For many people, a better way to stay in the loop is email notification, which can bring readers directly to a site when it posts content that interests them.
With FeedBurner, setting up email notification is both easy and free. Best of all, it’s a "set it up and forget it" process, requiring no maintenance at all. And unlike other services, it doesn’t generate any spam or add your subscribers to junk email lists. I know—I use it to subscribe to my own blogs!
This article explains how you can set up FeedBurner’s email notification feature for your blog.
Step 1: Set Up a FeedBurner Account
I’m not going to explain exactly how to do this. It’s pretty straightforward and easy to do. (If you already have a FeedBurner account, just sign into your account and skip ahead to the next section.)
Start by going to the FeedBurner site. Click the Register link at the top of the page to display a Register page (see Figure 1). Enter a login name, password (twice), secret question, and the answer to the secret question. Then click Sign In.

Figure 1 If you don’t already have a FeedBurner account, use this form to register.