- Adding Text
- Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Text
- Dragging and Dropping Text
- Using Paste Special
- Applying Headings
- Applying Character Formats
- Changing Fonts and Font Sizes
- Making Your Own Font Lists
- Changing Font Color
- Applying Text Styles
- Using Preformatted Text
- Adding Line Breaks
- Indenting Text
- Aligning Text
- Working with Lists
- Setting List Properties
- Nesting Lists
- Inserting Special Characters
- Adding Automatic Dates
- Adding Horizontal Rules
- Finding and Replacing
- Finding Text with a Simple Search
- Performing Advanced Text Searches
- Finding and Replacing in Source Code
- Finding and Replacing with a Specific Tag
- Using Regular Expressions for Searching
- Checking Spelling
Applying Headings
After paragraphs, headings are the most important structural element on most Web pages. Headings point your site's visitors to essential information on the page, and they separate sections of the page. Think of headings as being similar to headlines in a newspaper.
Text you enter into Dreamweaver begins with no heading; Dreamweaver refers to this text as None in the Property Inspector. As soon as you press Enter (Return), Dreamweaver wraps the text in paragraph tags, and the text becomes paragraph text.
HTML has six sizes of headings, plus paragraph text, as shown in Figure 4.10. These headings don't have a fixed point size, unlike headings in say, Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign. Instead, they are sized relative to one another and the size of the paragraph text, and the size that the user sees depends on the settings in the user's Web browser. By default, headings are usually displayed in boldface.

Figure 4.10 Here are examples of the six Heading sizes, plus Paragraph, which is usually used for body text.
You can change the look of headings (their size, font, color, and so forth) using CSS, which we'll cover in Chapter 5.
To apply a heading:
Click in the line you want to change.
Note that you don't have to select text; a heading is a block style, so it affects the entire paragraph the cursor is in.
Choose Text > Paragraph Format >
Heading x, where x is the heading size you want (Figure 4.11).
Figure 4.11 Choose the heading size you want from the Paragraph Format submenu.
Press Ctrl-1 for Heading 1, Ctrl-2 for Heading 2, and so on. On the Mac, press Cmd-1 for Heading 1, Cmd-2 for Heading 2, and so on.
Choose a heading from the Format pop-up menu of the Property Inspector (Figure 4.12).
Figure 4.12 Another way to choose the heading size is to use the Format pop-up menu of the Property Inspector.
Click one of the heading buttons in the Text tab of the Insert Bar (Figure 4.13).
Figure 4.13 The Text tab of the Insert Bar gives you buttons with many options, including ways to apply three heading sizes.
There are only buttons for Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3, listed as h1, h2, and h3, respectively.
The text changes to the heading you selected.
To turn text into paragraph text:
- Click in the line you want to change.
Choose Text > Paragraph Format > Paragraph.
Choose None from the Format pop-up menu of the Property Inspector.
Press Ctrl-Shift-P (Cmd-Shift-P).
Dreamweaver changes the text into a paragraph.
To remove heading formatting:
- Click in the line you want to change.
Choose Text > Paragraph Format > None.
Press Ctrl-0 (Cmd-0). (Those are zeros, not the letter "O".)
The Format menu of the Property Inspector changes to None, indicating that the text has no heading or paragraph style assigned to it.