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Adobe Photoshop

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Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #55: Using Live Preview Rotation
Nov 30, 2010
Dan Moughamian talks about his favorite uses of the Rotate View tool in Photoshop CS5.
Collage Offline and Add Color Using Photoshop
Nov 29, 2010
Photoshop expert xtine Burrough shows you how to make a collage with scissors and glue before adding color in Photoshop. An adjustment layer is used to create a sepia tone on the digital file, and the Brush Tool is used in combination with blending modes and a low opacity for an easy application of color to separate layers.
Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #54: Using Mini Bridge in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Nov 23, 2010
It can be inefficient to frequently switch back and forth between Photoshop and Bridge to find the files you need. This drawback has been resolved in Photoshop CS5 with the new Mini Bridge panel. Dan Moughamian shows you how to use it.
Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #53: Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop CS5
Nov 16, 2010
In this excerpt from his book, Dan Moughamian shows you how to customize keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop CS5, including customizing shortcuts for the main menu and customizing Tools panel shortcuts.
Peachpit's Thanksgiving Photo Recipe: How to Shoot a Turkey
Nov 16, 2010
You don't need to cook your holiday turkey to enjoy it — all you need is one good shot, and this photography recipe will show you how to get it.
Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #52: Simplifying the Menus in Photoshop CS5
Nov 9, 2010
In this excerpt from his book, Dan Moughamian shows you how to simplify the menus in Photoshop CS5, including how to customize the main menu and customize panel menus.
Creating Custom Panels for Adobe Photoshop CS5
Oct 20, 2010
Adobe Certified Instructor Rafael Concepcion shows how to work with Adobe Configurator to design and build custom panels for use in Adobe Photoshop CS5. By creating custom panels, you can set up the specific tools, commands, and widgets needed for a particular activity or user in Photoshop, making the software as easy to use or as powerful as you like.
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: Color Settings
Oct 18, 2010
Although the color management system in Photoshop uses mathematics that approach rocket science, using the tools that control the system is fairly simple. You just need to understand a few key concepts, learn where the buttons are, and use common sense in deciding when to push them. Conrad Chavez shows you how.
Perfecting Images in Photoshop CS5
Sep 22, 2010
Dan Moughamian offers some tips designed to help you work more efficiently with existing tools and functions, and to apply creative effects with new features like Puppet Warp and improved features like Merge to HDR Pro.
Using Photoshop Actions to Make a Flipbook
Aug 23, 2010
xtine burrough, coauthor of Digital Foundations: Intro to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite, interprets the Photoshop Actions panel as a metaphor for artificial intelligence, comparing Photoshop tasks that can be automated with tasks mandating human collaboration. The final result is a template for making a flipbook.
Photoshop for Video: What About Transparency?
Aug 19, 2010
One of Photoshop’s greatest powers lies in its ability to preserve complex transparency. By employing masks, both in layers and embedded into the saved files as alpha channels, this transparency data can travel seamlessly into the nonlinear editing (NLE) or motion-graphics environment.
Create a Marketing Ad Using Adobe Photoshop CS5 Types and Shapes
Aug 3, 2010
Using just the basic Photoshop software, Rafael Concepcion shows how you can manipulate the shapes and text in your designs to produce pleasing and compelling results. Learn these techniques and incorporate them into your Photoshop toolbox.
Working with Camera Raw in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Jul 27, 2010
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to open digital photos into the Camera Raw dialog (called “Camera Raw,” for short), and then use the many tabs in Camera Raw to correct your photos for under- or overexposure, blurriness, color casts, poor contrast, and other defects.
Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS5: Color Correction and Enhancement
Jul 15, 2010
Learning how to spot problems in your images and then choosing the right correction technique is an essential part of mastering Photoshop. Richard Harrington describes the most important tools and shows you how to use them to make the best color correction and enhancement choices.
The Photoshop CS5 Pocket Guide: Making Corrections
Jul 9, 2010
Even carefully planned and posed photographs can have flaws. Photos you snap on the spur of the moment are even more likely to include distracting background objects or to have less-than-ideal lighting. The good news is that you can improve—and sometimes even perfect—exposure and lighting. You can also often remove unwanted objects, such as phone lines or even people, in Photoshop.
To Photoshop or Not to Photoshop
May 3, 2010
How do you answer a student who begins a design or digital imaging class with the question, “Are we gonna learn Photoshop in this class?” In this article, the question is re-addressed to the student: “Why do you need Photoshop when so much can be accomplished in the camera using formal compositional properties?" xtine burrough explains a recent assignment based on’s popular article, “15 Images You Won’t Believe Aren’t Photoshopped.”
An Overview of Adobe® Photoshop® CS5
Apr 15, 2010
From a complete overhaul of code to the addition of new functionality into the application, Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 is proving to be a very worthwhile upgrade. RC Concepcion takes a look at some of the standout features of Photoshop CS5.
Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 Classroom in a Book: Using the Magic Wand Tool
Apr 14, 2010
This excerpt from Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 Classroom in a Bookshows you how to use the Magic Wand tool.
Resizing Just Parts of Your Image Using Content-aware Scaling in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Feb 18, 2010
In this excerpt from The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers, Scott Kelby shows you how to use Content-Aware Scaling, which lets you resize one part of your image, while keeping the important parts intact.
Photoshop CS4 Compositing: Combining 2D and 3D, Part 3 of 3
Nov 24, 2009
Concluding his three-part series, Dan Moughamian uses Photoshop CS4 Extended to finish his seamless composition of 2D and 3D elements.

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