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Fresh Styles for Web Designers: Lo-Fi Grunge Style
May 31, 2002
One way to come up with a "fresh" style is to go back in time a few decades, cut what you find, and paste it into the present. Here, Curt Cloninger discusses Lo-Fi Grunge Style of Web Design.
Add Dynamic Time and Date Stamps in GoLive 6
Apr 19, 2002
In this project, Paul Vachier, author of GoLive 6 Magic, shows you how to utilize two of GoLive 6's new actions to place customized time and date stamps on your web pages.
A Case for Web Storytelling
Jan 25, 2002
In our attention to style and technology, we often overlook a vital element in Web design: narrative voice. As Curt Cloninger points out, you can have slick style and meaty content, but without a mature narrative voice, your site will fail.
HTMinimaLism Style: Part 1
Jan 25, 2002
New Web designers tend to admire flashy, graphic-intensive designs, but HTMinimaLism design is both a challenge and a thrill. Curt Cloninger shows how the satisfaction of creating usable, clean, scalable sites out of just HTML is its own reward.
HTMinimaLism Style: Part 2
Jan 25, 2002
In part 2 of his discussion on HTMinimaLism, Curt Cloninger introduces Cascading Style Sheets, the designer's secret weapon in producing good-looking HTML text without gaudy gimmicks.
Hypertext Killed the Video Star
Jan 25, 2002
What people are going to be selling more of in the future is not pieces of music, but systems by which people can customize listening experiences for themselves. Prototypes of such systems are already available online, as Curt Cloninger reports.
Usability Experts Are from Mars, Graphic Designers Are from Venus
Jan 25, 2002
Usability mavens such as Jakob Nielsen think that the Web is an ill-used database. Graphic designers such as Kioken think that it is a fledgling multimedia platform. Could both groups be right? Curt Cloninger looks at both sides of this issue.
Web Wilderness Adventure Tours
Jan 25, 2002
Just as wilderness areas are good for the soul, the Web can offer rejuvenating opportunities for designers in disorienting, experimental regions. Curt Cloninger tours several "wild" Web sites and tells why you, too, should enter the Web wilderness.
Working with the Color Object and Cursors
Jan 18, 2002
Flash expert David Emberton walks you through a hands-on lesson combining Flash 5 features and a robust yet compact coloring app.
Web Accessibility, Part 3: Creating Screen Reader-Friendly Web Pages
Jan 4, 2002
Discover a few good Web page construction methods to get you on the right track toward creating screen reader-friendly Web pages.
Small Web Sites Can Be Beautiful
Dec 28, 2001
A personal website need not be an idle dream. Let author and columnist Ed Tittel explain what you can do and what tools and techniques will let you create and maintain a thriving personal Web world.
What’s All This Talk About Web Accessibility, Part 1: Inside Adaptive Technology
Dec 21, 2001
What is the Internet world like through adaptive technology? This article by Lisa Jahred takes you inside the adaptive technology experience.
What Is a Web Designer, Anyway?
Dec 6, 2001
Through web design you can reposition yourself from vendor to author, creating content and designing it your way. You can enrich your life; the lives of others; and make your mark on the medium — perhaps on your generation.
A Usability Review of's Homepage
Nov 9, 2001
Jakob Nielsen and Marie Tahir analyze and critique's homepage.
Creating Your Own Objects and Behaviors in Dreamweaver
Nov 9, 2001
Obtain hands-on experience creating custom objects and behaviors, and learn how to package them up and share them with the rest of the Dreamweaver community in this sample chapter from Inside Dreamweaver 4.
Working with Smart Clips
Oct 26, 2001
Need radio buttons or menus for your interface but don’t want to hassle with building them? Smart clips provide plenty of power without requiring complex programming.
Using Flash 5's Stock Smart Clips
Oct 26, 2001
This sample chapter from Inside Flash 5 explains how to use, get information in and out of, and customize smart clips.
Gothic Organic Style of Web Design
Oct 19, 2001
An entire subculture of innovative experimental web designers exists, speaking primarily to the fine arts community rather than the commercial end. The Gothic Organic Style of Web Design is just one of these fresh styles that can be practically incorporated ...
Web Design for Programmers, Part 2: Color
Oct 19, 2001
This second article in the series on Web design for programmers discusses the intangible qualities of color and how to use color effectively in your designs.
Web Design for Programmers, Part 1: Fundamentals
Oct 19, 2001
This first article in the series on Web design for programmers is devoted to basic tenets of Web design, and discusses some common Web design problems.

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