- Tips for Writing Content For Mobile Users
- Oct 31, 2012
- Jakob Nielsen and Raluca Budiu explain that while there are many other points to consider, the main usability guideline for mobile content is this: When you’re writing for mobile users, focus their attention on the essential content.
- Should Mobile Design Principles Be Applied to the Desktop?
- Oct 24, 2012
- Usability experts Raluca Budiu and Jakob Nielsen discuss whether mobile design principles can and should be applied to the desktop.
- Author Talk: Sharon Steuer on the Best New Features of Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Podcast Transcript)
- Oct 18, 2012
- Publisher Nancy Ruenzel chats with author Sharon Steuer about the most exciting features of the new Illustrator CS6 software. Sharon also discusses the process of revising the newly released Adobe Illustrator CS6 WOW! Book, now in its twelfth edition.
- Author Talk: Alberto Cairo on the Functional Art of Infographics (Podcast Transcript)
- Oct 16, 2012
- New Riders/Peachpit Publisher Nancy Ruenzel talks with Alberto Cairo, professor of information graphics and visualization at the University of Miami and author of The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization. Alberto names some of his favorite designers and data visualizers working in the field today, and discusses the complex relationship between function and form.
- Author Talk: Tim Kadlec on Implementing Responsive Design (Podcast Transcript)
- Oct 11, 2012
- Peachpit publisher Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel interviews Tim Kadlec, author of Implementing Responsive Design, about why he wrote the book, the Breaking Development conference, and how anyone can start applying responsive design to their site.
- Basic Object-Oriented Programming in PHP
- Oct 10, 2012
- Larry Ullman explains not only the syntax of OOP in PHP 5 and later, but the key underlying OOP theories as well.
- Adding Form Fields with Acrobat XI
- Oct 5, 2012
- Learn how you can use the form tools in Acrobat XI to add form fields to any document.
- How jQuery Mobile Handles HTML5 data- Atrributes with Dialog Windows, Popups, and Buttons
- Oct 4, 2012
- HTML5 plays a key role in the jQuery Mobile framework. HTML5 is the starting point for everything from defining how your web page renders in mobile, tablet, or desktop browsers to custom attributes that define widgets, themes, and much more. Web developer/designer Kris Hadlock shows you few ways that jQuery Mobile handles HTML5 data- attributes with dialog windows, popups, and buttons.
- The Infographics Complexity Challenge: Presentation and Exploration
- Oct 3, 2012
- An information graphic is a tool for the designer to communicate with readers, and a tool for readers to analyze what’s being presented to them. It doesn’t matter if you see yourself as an engineer or as an artist: If you create infographics and visualizations, the balance you achieve between these two dimensions will define whether or not your work is good.
- Working with Smart Objects in Dreamweaver and Photoshop
- Oct 3, 2012
- If your websites use a lot of images, you've probably spent plenty of time jumping between Dreamweaver and Photoshop to make changes, and then trying to keep track of which files are current and which need to be synched. Now you can cross that nightmare off your task list. Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, shows how using Smart Objects in Dreamweaver CS6 can keep your images in sync automatically.
- Modifying Simple Graphics in Adobe Flash Professional CS6
- Oct 1, 2012
- In this chapter, you’ll use the selection, lasso, and subselection tools to select and modify elements. You’ll modify elements’ attributes using the Property inspector and other panels.
- Automatically Adapt Your Site for Any Screen Size with Dreamweaver
- Sep 27, 2012
- Modern websites must accommodate devices with all sorts of screens - from giant monitors down to pocket-size smartphones. Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, shows how to use built-in Dreamweaver features to make your site adapt itself automatically to fit screens of any size.
- Get Familiar with Panels in Adobe Illustrator CS6
- Sep 27, 2012
- This chapter will help you become more intimately acquainted with the Illustrator interface features that you will be using continually as you work: the panels.
- Working with Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator CS6
- Sep 26, 2012
- Brian Wood, contributor to Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book, demonstrates how to trace raster images like the pros by using the Image Trace tool in Illustrator CS6.
- "The Best Design Advice I Ever Got" with Jakob Nielsen
- Sep 25, 2012
- Jakob Nielsen, coauthor of Mobile Usability, reminds us that anything you think is easy or good might be terrible for the target audience.
- Custom Search Filtering with jQuery Mobile
- Sep 24, 2012
- Search functionality is often a necessary piece of functionality for a website, especially when your website has a lot of content. In this article, Kris Hadlock, author of Ajax for Web Application Developers, explains how to use the search filter bar to create search functionality in the listview component, and how to create a custom search filter in case the default search functionality doesn’t meet your needs.
- Hidden Gems in Adobe Illustrator
- Sep 19, 2012
- Brian Wood, contributor to Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book, shows you how to optimize content for use in projects such as websites, apps, and more.
- Don't Do That! Five Habits to Avoid on Your Websites
- Sep 17, 2012
- Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, points out five common behaviors that we see used all over the Web. Unfortunately, these are BAD habits, and website designers really need to break them in order to create successful sites.
- Corral Your Styles with Dreamweaver's CSS Visualization Tools
- Sep 13, 2012
- Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Dreamweaver provides detailed control of the design and display of your web pages, but hidden rules underlying the styles might prevent you from getting the effect you really want. Fortunately, Dreamweaver offers some powerful tools for working with CSS. Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, explains how to use Dreamweaver's visualization tools to make CSS behave.
- WordPress Theming Basics
- Sep 11, 2012
- Jesse Friedman covers WordPress theming basics, including WordPress theme requirements, dynamic header calls, menu nav creation, and content formatting.