- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming for C++ Game Developers
- Jun 30, 2006
- Before you can start coding your own games, you're going to need to know a little bit about C++. This chapter offers an introduction to C++ with a focus on creating games.
- A C++ Flyweight Pattern for IT Management
- May 26, 2006
- Mother Nature likes object-oriented development! C++ programmers often can't afford the luxury of creating a universe of objects; our platforms are intrinsically limited. However, the flyweight design pattern provides an elegant means of sharing objects, with a small price in terms of storage and retrieval. Stephen Morris describes C++ code that uses the flyweight design pattern to solve a knotty problem in networking.
- C++ Mediator Pattern for Object Interaction
- May 19, 2006
- Monolithic software products (those with a multitude of highly coupled components) are often blamed on the use of procedural languages, but it's just as easy to produce overly interdependent classes in object-oriented languages. Stephen B. Morris shows how using the mediator design pattern can help reduce class interdependencies, aid componentization, and ultimately help make classes service-oriented.
- The C++ Interpreter Pattern for Grammar Management
- May 12, 2006
- The world is rapidly moving away from technology-based solutions toward end-user facilitation. Simple grammars provide a surprising solution to the problem of "driving" IT infrastructure to achieve business ends. In this article, Stephen Morris shows you how to use the interpreter design pattern to create a simple C++ grammar, which can be extended to produce surprisingly powerful capabilities.
- The C++ State Pattern for eCommerce Operations
- May 4, 2006
- State-specific code can be incorporated easily and advantageously into application code. Code written to the state design pattern is modular; just create a new state and add it to the application when you're ready. Stephen Morris shows how.
- Designing the Obvious, Part 3: Understanding Real Users to Solve Real Problems
- Mar 24, 2006
- If you're writing software or building web sites without a user in mind, you're just throwing away your effort. Robert Hoekman, Jr. explains the urgent need to understand exactly who the target user is, what she hopes to accomplish, and what you can do for her - long before you start committing keystrokes to code.
- C++ Command Pattern for Network Operations
- Mar 17, 2006
- It's all too easy to place operations code inside class definitions (that is, code that does create/delete/modify). In many cases, such an approach is not necessarily a reflection of real world objects. But there are other reasons for abstracting operation code: simplifying objects and better maintainability. Stephen Morris spells out these and other advantages of using the command pattern; including changing the operations code and providing do-undo facilities with a very modest design/coding investment.
- Designing the Obvious, Part 2: Knowing What to Build and Why
- Mar 10, 2006
- Why do software projects fail? In most cases, says Robert Hoekman, Jr., it's simply a matter of poor planning. If you don't have a firm grasp of who is going to use your product or site, and why, you'll succeed only by accident. He explains where you need to focus attention and effort to help your product or site live up to the organization's expectations.
- Designing the Obvious, Part 1: The Key to Great Web and Software Design
- Feb 24, 2006
- Unless you have endless free time to waste, at some point you'll get fed up with a site or application that seems intent on frustrating the user. Robert Hoekman, Jr. posits that it's not the designer's intention to aggravate your life; it's just a failure to define and then design "the obvious": what the user will need, presented in the way the user will need it. In this series, he explains how to design sites and software that work well for the user precisely because they're designed to be obvious.
- How To Handle AJAX Responses
- Feb 10, 2006
- User interaction drives Web sites. It's essential to understand how to handle the responses, especially with new forms of interaction such as AJAX. Kris Hadlock covers the essentials of the AJAX request-and-response process that you need to know to be ready for user interaction.
- Microsoft TrueSkill and the Art of Gaming Statistics
- Feb 10, 2006
- Microsoft's new TrueSkill system attempts to bring some order to the chaos of proprietary online game ranking systems. Tim Stevens takes a look at its offering to see just how it ranks against the competition.
- JavaScript Usage in the GoLive Environment
- Feb 3, 2006
- This chapter discusses JavaScript and ECMAScript/ExtendScript concepts and usage in GoLive. Topics covered include JavaScript objects in the GoLive environment, the scope of variables and functions, and delays and timeouts.
- How To Use AJAX Patterns
- Jan 27, 2006
- Kris Hadlock explains how to use design patterns for AJAX development to keep your applications scalable, reusable, and efficient.
- Learn How to Script Adobe Photoshop CS2
- Dec 30, 2005
- This chapter demonstrates several techniques for creating scripts to use specifically with Adobe Photoshop CS2. More importantly, you'll learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop CS2 scripting references to find the objects, classes, properties, methods, and even some values (called constants or enumerations) you can use to create JavaScripts for Adobe Photoshop CS2.
- How To Create an RSS Aggregator with PHP and AJAX
- Dec 9, 2005
- Imagine using a simple HTML file to send a request to a server-side script, receive a custom XML file based on that request, and then display it to the user without ever refreshing the browser! Kris Hadlock explains how to use a combination of PHP and AJAX to create real-time data transfers in any application without a browser refresh.
- Is Microsoft's Sparkle the New Flash?
- Nov 11, 2005
- Anyone who spends any time on the Web is familiar with Flash presentations. They're practically inescapable, they're usually fast, and they're easy to create. And now, they're in danger of being replaced—that is, if you’re buying what Microsoft has to sell you. Matthew David previews Microsoft's answer to the ubiquitous Flash: a new product whose beta name is "Sparkle."
- Creating Dynamic Web Sites with PHP and MySQL
- Sep 30, 2005
- This chapter will cover a hodgepodge of ideas, all used to create dynamic Web applications including incorporating external files, handling forms and form data in new ways, writing and using your own functions, using PHP's date() function, and sending email.
- World Usability Day: "Making it Easy" for Technology Users
- Sep 23, 2005
- Technology should work. And it shouldn't make you feel stupid. That's the goal of this year's first annual World Usability Day on November 3, 2005, with more than 50 events planned in 26 countries around the globe. Participants will include everyone from schoolchildren to government leaders. Garth Buchholz tells you what to expect.
- They're Behaving Like Monsters! An Introduction to Stimulus-Based Behavior in Computer Role-Playing Games
- Jul 29, 2005
- Your computer role-playing game (RPG) won't be much fun for the players if monsters just hang about waiting to be slaughtered. Chris Williams explains a simple system that you can implement in your RPGs to make creatures behave in a more natural fashion, adding interest for the player (and the programmer, for that matter).
- Programming for the Mac: Introducing AppleScript
- Jul 22, 2005
- Do you want to make the most of your Mac applications? Like all operating systems, the Mac has many different levels of programming, and more than 80 percent of all applications built for OS X leverage AppleScript as an automation tool. In this introductory article, Matthew David tells you how you can best leverage AppleScript for your Mac applications.