- Working with the Adobe Camera Raw Plug-in in Photoshop CC (2014 release)
- Oct 9, 2014
- In this chapter from Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release), you’ll learn about the Camera Raw tools and tabs; choose workflow options for Camera Raw; apply cropping and straightening; and correct photos for defects, such as poor contrast, under- or overexposure, color casts, blurriness, geometric distortion, and noise. You will also learn how to enhance your photos with special effects, such as a vignette, grain texture, or tint; retouch blemishes; access Camera Raw controls from Photoshop; save and synchronize Camera Raw settings among related photos; then finally, open your corrected photos into Photoshop.
- Using Photoshop to Create Art for a Mobile Game
- Sep 30, 2014
- In this chapter from Photoshop for Games: Creating Art for Console, Mobile, and Social Games, you will examine the process of making a mobile game. Mobile and social games are closely related in content size, and somewhat in style, but they have each evolved into their own separate spaces.
- Layer Basics in Adobe Photoshop CC (2014 release)
- Sep 9, 2014
- In this excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2014 release), you will learn how to work with layers in Adobe Photoshop CC.
- 4 Awesome Lightroom mobile Tips and Tricks
- Aug 20, 2014
- Adobe Lightroom mobile synchronizes photos between your Lightroom library on a computer and an iPad or iPhone, but it's more than just an image conduit. Jeff Carlson, author of Adobe Lightroom mobile: Your Lightroom on the Go, shares some of his favorite tips for working with Lightroom mobile, from automatically importing new shots to copying adjustments between photos and environments.
- Five Critical Techniques for Creating Seamless Photoshop Composites
- Aug 13, 2014
- Bret Malley, author of Adobe Master Class: Advanced Compositing in Photoshop, enjoys creating digital composites that sometimes seem to turn reality upside-down. Learn five of his techniques for using Photoshop's digital sleight-of-hand to create results that can blow your mind.
- Photoshop CC (2014 release) Visual Quick Start: Refocusing
- Jul 28, 2014
- In this chapter from Photoshop CC: Visual QuickStart Guide (2014 release), you’ll blur areas of an image using the Field Blur, Iris Blur, Tilt-Shift, Path Blur, and Spin Blur filters (collectively called the Blur Gallery). And you will apply sharpening via the Smart Sharpen, Unsharp Mask, and Shake Reduction filters, and via the Sharpen tool.
- Processing Photos in Lightroom's Develop Module
- Jul 21, 2014
- Jan Kabili shows you how to use the intuitive controls in Lightroom’s Develop module to adjust color, tone, and composition without changing the pixels in your photographs.
- The Photoshop Elements Secret to Fixing Group Shots
- Jul 7, 2014
- With Photoshop Elements’ Group Shot feature, as long as you have a few photos to choose from, you can create the perfect group photo, even if someone has their eyes closed.
- Printing a 3D File in Adobe Photoshop CC (2014 release)
- Jun 23, 2014
- This excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2014 release) shows how you can create 3D objects in Photoshop—or import 3D objects that have been created elsewhere—and print them directly from Photoshop.
- Favorite Adjustment Layers and Filters for Compositing in Adobe Photoshop
- Jun 19, 2014
- This chapter pushes deep into Bret Malley's four favorite adjustment layers (along with their subterranean features), as well as the Photoshop filters that he finds come in most handy for composite work.
- The Hidden Power of Adjustment Layers in Adobe® Photoshop®: Gradient Fill Vignette
- Jun 3, 2014
- Learn this amazingly fast and flexible vignette technique.
- Lightroom Goes Mobile
- Jun 2, 2014
- With the Lightroom 5.4 release in April 2014, Adobe introduced Lightroom mobile, a subscription service that enables two-way syncing between the desktop application and the new Lightroom for iPad. John Evans, contributor to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5: Classroom in a Book, takes Lightroom mobile for a test drive.
- The Hidden Power of Adjustment Layers in Adobe® Photoshop®: Color Correction Curves
- Jun 2, 2014
- Many times an image will need just a little color correction and not much else. While you can employ several methods to do this, using a Curves adjustment layer can be a quick solution that gives you some flexibility without overwhelming you with options.
- Making a Picture into a Puzzle in Adobe Photoshop Elements 12
Adobe Creative Team
- May 28, 2014
- This excerpt from Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 Classroom in a Book shows you how to use the Puzzle Effect Guided Edit to turn a photo into a jigsaw puzzle.
- Martin Evening on Applying Localized Blurring with Negative Sharpening in Photoshop Lightroom 5
- May 19, 2014
- There are a number of examples of where a negative sharpening effect might come in handy. In this excerpt from The Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 5 Book: The Complete Guide for Photographers, Martin Evening shows you how to apply this technique in Photoshop Lightroom 5.
- Getting Down & Dirty with Corey Barker: Corey's Favorite Photoshop Tricks
- Mar 17, 2014
- Corey Barker, author of Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers, Volume 2, shares some of his favorite Photoshop tricks.
- Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers: Playing with Photographs
- Mar 6, 2014
- In this chapter from Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers, Volume 2, Corey Barker takes photos from some of well known photographers and runs them through the creative ringer to see what comes out.
- Photoshop CC Update: Linked Smart Objects
- Feb 21, 2014
- Photoshop educator Dan Moughamian brings you up to date on another new feature that’s part of the Photoshop 14.2 update, available to Creative Cloud subscribers. Smart Objects have always been a valuable part of the Photoshop workflow, whether you're a graphic artist or photographer. However, (embedded) Smart Objects can have a downside in that they can substantially increase the file size of your documents. Dan shows you how Smart Objects just got smarter, allowing images to be linked to one another rather than being embedded, providing several advantages.
- Photoshop CC Update: Perspective Warp
- Feb 7, 2014
- Photoshop instructor Dan Moughamian walks you through the Perspective Warp command, the latest addition to Photoshop's arsenal of image transformation tools. Rather than being focused solely on image correction tasks (such as straightening lines), Perspective Warp also allows you to make subtle changes to the camera's viewpoint. This innovation, as well as other new features and JDI enhancements, are available as part of the Photoshop 14.2 update on Creative Cloud.
- edIT: Using Quick, Guided, and Expert Editing in Photoshop Elements 12
- Jan 29, 2014
- Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski explain the different editing modes in Elements—Quick, Guided, and Expert—and show you how to use each one.