- 10 Photoshop Retouching Tips for Your Studio Images
- Apr 13, 2012
- RC Concepcion (author, NAPP Instructor, and host of “DTownTV”) goes over some tried and true steps to keep in mind when working with portraits in a studio setting. By leveraging the power of Photoshop, you'll take a great studio shoot, and move it to the next level.
- 16 How-To Tips for Using Photoshop Camera Raw
- Jan 19, 2009
- Chris Orwig offers 16 Camera Raw tips, including setting the white balance, using split toning, and making localized adjustments.
- 32-bit Imaging with HDR Toning in Photoshop CS5
- Feb 28, 2011
- High Dynamic Range (or HDR) photography has been a hot topic lately, with debates ongoing as to how useful a process HDR is for serious photographers. Count Dan Moughamian, author of Adobe Digital Imaging How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques for Photoshop CS5, Lightroom 3, and Camera Raw 6, among those who believe HDR can be a very useful process for photographers, provided they understand its real purpose.
- 3D in Photoshop CS4
- Apr 13, 2009
- Photoshop includes many improvements to 3D workflow, such as a more powerful rendering engine and the ability to create and manipulate various kinds of lights and materials. This excerpt explains them in detail.
- 3D Photoshop: Inflating Objects from Photographs
- Oct 3, 2013
- Learn how to model 3D objects directly from photographs, using Photoshop’s inflation tool.
- A Cinematic Approach to Digital Still Photography with Photoshop: The Unwitting Ally 2.0
- Mar 23, 2011
- In this chapter, you will go beyond exposure and apply the concepts of Extended Dynamic Range photography (ExDR) to focus, blur, and image structure by using image harvesting. You will apply this to the image editing process in order to support the aesthetic choices you make regarding light, shape, gesture, and color when you first take the picture.
- A Plea for Photoshop–Browser Harmony
- Feb 4, 2015
- When it comes to responsive web design, using the right tool, at the right time, for the right purpose, helps us extract more out of said tool than normal. Knowing when to use Photoshop is the only thing that can logically keep it in our workflows. Using it too often, too early, or for the wrong purpose produces frustration, wasted time, and potentially wasted money, as Dan Rose explains in this chapter from Responsive Web Design with Adobe Photoshop.
- Abduzeedo Inspiration Guide for Designers: Photo Manipulation
- Jun 9, 2011
- In this age of digitization, photo manipulation has become a widespread phenomenon, but it remains a commonly misunderstood and misrepresented topic, associated primarily with the practice of altering images for deceptive purposes. Fabio Sasso takes a look at the art and inspiration of photo manipulation, including a tutorial that shows you how to create a bride with a wedding dress made out of milk.
- About Selecting and Selection Tools in Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Dec 11, 2010
- This excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book shows you how to choose best of the four available selection tools for a specific area, which often depends on the characteristics of that area, such as shape or color.
- Actions in Adobe Photoshop CS4
- Oct 30, 2009
- Adding a Watermark to Your Images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3
- Dec 14, 2010
- One way to help limit unauthorized use of your images is to put a visible watermark on them. Beyond protecting your images, many photographers are using a visible watermark as branding and marketing for their studio. Here’s how to set yours up.
- Adding an Artistic Border in Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Dec 6, 2010
- Using options in the Refine Edge dialog, it’s incredibly easy to add artistic borders to an image. In this excerpt from Photoshop CS5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide, Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas show you how.
- Adding Motion to a Static Shot in Adobe Photoshop Elements 14
- Nov 17, 2015
- In this excerpt from Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 Classroom in a Book, learn how to add dynamic-looking motion to your photograph.
- Adding Photoshop Automation to Your Lightroom Workflow
- Nov 30, 2007
- Here's a great timesaver from Scott Kelby: Create a sharpening action in Photoshop, save it as a droplet, and then use that droplet in Lightroom as an export action. Sound interesting? It is, and it's easy.
- Adding Text to Your Print Layouts in Lightroom
- May 30, 2008
- A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a gorgeous print can be enhanced by including some text. Whether you want to print info about the photo, a romantic saying, or the name of your studio, Scott Kelby's got you covered.
- Adjusting Flesh Tones with Photoshop CS4
- Jun 16, 2009
- Scott Kelby shares a quick trick for removing the excess red from your photo's flesh tones.
- Adjustments
- Jun 4, 2007
- Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #54: Using Mini Bridge in Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Nov 23, 2010
- It can be inefficient to frequently switch back and forth between Photoshop and Bridge to find the files you need. This drawback has been resolved in Photoshop CS5 with the new Mini Bridge panel. Dan Moughamian shows you how to use it.
- Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #52: Simplifying the Menus in Photoshop CS5
- Nov 9, 2010
- In this excerpt from his book, Dan Moughamian shows you how to simplify the menus in Photoshop CS5, including how to customize the main menu and customize panel menus.
- Adobe Digital Imaging How-to #53: Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop CS5
- Nov 16, 2010
- In this excerpt from his book, Dan Moughamian shows you how to customize keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop CS5, including customizing shortcuts for the main menu and customizing Tools panel shortcuts.