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Adobe Photoshop

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The Hidden Power of Photoshop Blend Modes: A Recipe for Hard Mix Contrast
Aug 1, 2012
Scott Valentine shows you how to use this method to increase contrast and saturation in otherwise dull images. However, it can quite easily blow out highlights, and darker images will tend to oversaturate in some areas.
Removing Distortions with the Adaptive Wide Angle Filter in Photoshop CS6
Jun 7, 2012
Photoshop CS6 offers improvements across the full spectrum of photographic workflows. In this article, Dan Moughamian discusses the Adaptive Wide Angle (AWA) filter, which you can use to modify the different types of lens distortions (like a fisheye distortion) that may be present in your pictures.
How to Use the Field Blur Filter in Photoshop CS6
May 9, 2012
This excerpt from Photoshop CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide shows you how to use the Field Blur filter, which is handy when you need the most flexibility and control in blurring specific areas of an image while keeping other (more important) areas in sharp focus.
Using the Crop Tool in Photoshop CS6
May 9, 2012
This excerpt from Photoshop CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide shows you how to reset the Crop Box and choose preview, shield, and overlay options from the Crop Tool.
Creative Lighting Effects with Adobe Photoshop CS6
Apr 23, 2012
Lighting Effects has been around a long time, but the Lighting Effects filter in Photoshop CS6 is essentially a brand new feature in the sense that it has been completely remade. This article provides a general overview of the filter (including its new interface), and demonstrates how you can use Lighting Effects to dramatically impact the composition or look of your photographs.
Optimizing Raw Workflow with Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Camera Raw 7
Apr 23, 2012
This article will give you a taste of how powerful Adobe Camera Raw 7 is, by taking one shot from a series of bracketed exposures (originally used for HDR imaging), and restoring the important details in both the highlight and shadow regions.
Recomposing Picture Elements with Content-Aware Move and Content-Aware Patch in Adobe Photoshop CS6
Apr 23, 2012
This tutorial provides two examples of how these new Content-Aware additions in Photoshop CS6 can help you to recompose or remove elements in your pictures that are slightly out of place, or that are not as easily removed by other methods.
The Hidden Power of Photoshop Blend Modes: General Techniques
Apr 23, 2012
This excerpt from The Hidden Power of Photoshop Blend Modes familiarizes you with the basics of blend modes.
The Hidden Power of Photoshop Blend Modes: Removing Vignetting
Apr 23, 2012
In this excerpt from The Hidden Power of Photoshop Blend Modes, Scott Valentine shares a handy method to realize some basic recovery using the Divide blend mode. It also leaves you some creative latitude for additional effects, but it does have some limitations.
Using the New Content-Aware Move and Interactive Blur in Adobe Photoshop CS6
Apr 23, 2012
This excerpt from Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book shows you how to use the new Content-Aware Move tool in Adobe Photoshop CS6 to add a few more posts to the beach photo project, so that they echo the deck rails, creating a smoother rhythm for the composition.
Why Photographers Should Expect Big Gains in Efficiency in Adobe Photoshop CS6
Apr 23, 2012
Dan Moughamian demonstrates a few of his favorite options for working more efficiently in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
10 Photoshop Retouching Tips for Your Studio Images
Apr 13, 2012
RC Concepcion (author, NAPP Instructor, and host of “DTownTV”) goes over some tried and true steps to keep in mind when working with portraits in a studio setting. By leveraging the power of Photoshop, you'll take a great studio shoot, and move it to the next level.
Make Your Photoshop Workflow More Efficient with Actions, Droplets, and Scripting
Apr 9, 2012
There are times when working with Photoshop can be a very redundant process. RC Concepcion (Kelby Training instructor and host of takes you through a tour of actions, droplets, and scripting, and gives you some essential skills in getting this work done as fast as possible. In no time, you will be automating tasks in Photoshop!
Working in Black and White in Adobe Photoshop
Apr 2, 2012
RC Concepcion (Kelby Training Instructor and host of talks about how to leverage the power of Photoshop to attain wonderful black and white images out of color images. With these tips, you'll be able to explore the power of the black and white photograph.
Everything You Need to Know about Applying Photoshop Filters
Feb 9, 2012
In this excerpt from Best Photoshop Filters, Susannah Hall talks about Photoshop Filters, including applying them, using Smart Filters, using the Filter Gallery, fading a Filter effect, using the History Brush, and finding and adding new filters.
Fast, Accurate Facial Retouching with Perfect Portrait
Jan 31, 2012
The Perfect Photo Suite 6 from onOne Software is a collection of plugins that extend the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Lightroom, and Apple Aperture. Plugins for precision masking, Lightroom layering, and portrait retouching comprise the most powerful elements of the suite. Photoshop expert and professional photographer Dan Moughamian focuses on the brand-new Perfect Portrait 1 plugin.
Creating Layers with Lightroom and Perfect Layers 2
Jan 17, 2012
Adobe plugin developer onOne Software recently unveiled its brand new Perfect Photo Suite 6. The suite includes seven well-known plugins that cover a wide range of photo-editing tasks. Photoshop expert Dan Moughamian showcases for you several of these new plugins, including Perfect Layers 2.
Creating Lens Blur Effects with Focal Point 2
Jan 6, 2012
Photoshop expert Dan Moughamian demonstrates how Focal Point 2 helps photographers to draw attention to the most important parts of their image, by carefully blurring other parts of the shot.
Creative Color Effects with Photoshop and Perfect Effects
Dec 30, 2011
A popular developer of Photoshop and Lightroom plugins, onOne Software recently unveiled its brand-new Perfect Photo Suite 6. The suite includes seven plugins that cover a wide range of photo editing tasks such as masking, portrait retouching, and image styling. Photoshop expert and professional photographer Dan Moughamian introduces you to some of the suite’s new capabilities, namely, a major update to Perfect Effects (formerly Photo Tools).
Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers: Commercial Effects
Dec 28, 2011
Corey Barker explains how you can use commercial work to challenge your imagination to come up with creative solutions, even when you are limited by assets, time, and sometimes input from the client.

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