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Inside Dreamweaver 4 is a tutorial reference that combines knowledgeable explanation with insightful learning activities to engage readers. The end result is a more in-depth knowledge of the software and how it can provide solutions for the user in the work environment. Inside Dreamweaver 4 assumes that readers have a basic understanding of the software and are looking for solutions to the problems they have incurred. As a result, this book will not dwell on information that is readily available in the software documentation. A brief section introduces Dreamweaver and HTML. After that, the authors present the new features of Dreamweaver 4 and discuss customizing the software before delving into such topics as: HTML Creation Fundamentals, Advanced Document Structuring, Site Management, Rich Media Usage, and Extensibility.
Working with Behaviors in Dreamweaver
Working with Objects in Dreamweaver
Creating Your Own Objects and Behaviors in Dreamweaver
Click below for Sample Chapter related to this title:
1. What's New in Dreamweaver 4.Dockable Panels. Code. Design. Collaborate. Window Management. Summary.
2. Customizing Dreamweaver.Preferences Dialog Box. Summary.
3. Dreamweaver and HTML.HTML Basics. Editing Your HTML. Using External Editors. Summary.
4. Working with Text.Importing Text. Formatting Text with the Property Inspector. Text Formatting Made Easier. Special Characters. Summary.
5. Linking and Navigation.Path Names. Managing Links. Link Colors and Underlining. Email Links. Named Anchors. Linking with Image Maps. Navigation Bars. Jump Menus. Summary.
6. Working with Images.Imaging File Formats. Designing with Images. Editing Images. Image Assets. Thumbnails. Tips for Uploading Images. Summary.
7. Web Design Issues.Working with Color. Design and Layout. Web Design: The Big Picture. Summary.
8. Layout with Tables.Inserting Tables. Inserting Data. Table Alignment and Borders. Formatting Tables. Coloring Tables, Table Cells, and Borders. Sliced Images and Tables. Layout View. Summary.
9. Layout with Frames.Frames and Framesets. Using Frames in Dreamweaver. Advanced Properties of Frames and Framesets. Summary.
10. Using Layers.About Layers. Layer Basics. Setting Layer Properties. More About Layers. Putting Layers into Motion. Summary.
11. Forms.HTML Forms. Form Elements. Form Objects: Objects Panel. Input Objects: Text Fields. Password Text Boxes. Multiline Text Boxes. Check Boxes. Radio Buttons. Drop-Down Menus. Scrolling Lists. Sending and Clearing the Form. Summary.
12. Using Cascading Style Sheets.Why Use Style Sheets?. Creating and Using Style Sheets. Styles and Attributes. Summary.
13. Site and File Organization.Planning Your Site. Defining Your Site. Understanding Addressing Methods. File Creation. Summary.
14. Site Publishing, Maintenance, and Reporting.The Site Window. Using the Site Map. Checking Links. Keeping Your Local and Remote Sites Synchronized. Find/Replace Queries. Running Site Reports. Checking Browser Compatibility. Checking Download Times. Summary.
15. Workplace Collaboration.Site Assets. Using Check In/Check Out. Source and Version Control Features. Utilizing Design Notes. Building Reports About Project Workflow. Summary.
16. Templates and Libraries.About Templates. Creating Templates. Using Templates. Attaching and Detaching Templates. Using Templates with XML. About Libraries. JavaScript in Library Items. Summary.
17. Animation with Timelines.The Timelines Inspector. Creating an Animation. Other Timeline Effects. Animation Tips and Tricks. Summary.
18. Animation with Flash.How Flash Works. Inserting Flash Movies into Dreamweaver Documents. Using Flash Text. Using Flash Buttons. Summary.
19. JavaScripting with Dreamweaver.JavaScript Basics. Dreamweaver and JavaScript. Summary.
20. Inserting Media Objects.Extending the Browser with Plug-ins and ActiveX. Plug-in Technologies. Extending the Browser with Java. Putting Sound on Web Pages. Putting It All Together. Dealing with Plug-in Detection. Summary.
21. Extensions and the Extension Manager.What Are Extensions? How Are Extensions Organized? Using Behaviors. Using the Extension Manager. Summary.
22. Creating Your Own Objects and Behaviors.Before Getting Started. Working with Objects. Working with Behaviors. Sharing Extensions. Summary.
23. Scripting and Markup Languages.The Code Warrior. Facing the XML Future. Transitioning to XHTML 1.0. Summary.
24. Database-Driven Web Sites.Static Versus Dynamic. Aligning the Stars-Using UltraDev. Creating a Dynamically Driven Site. Summary.
Appendix A. Keyboard Shortcuts.Webmonkey. Westciv.com. NetMechanic. The Web Standards Project. Netscape Standards Challenge.
Appendix C. What's on the CD-ROMSystem Requirements. Loading the CD Files. Exercise Files. Read This Before Opening the Software.