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Come be part of a real-world development team, from the start of a project to the finish! In Reality ColdFusion MX: Flash MX Integration, you get to experience how the power of ColdFusion can help drive the Flash experience by designing Web applications, discussing development issues, finding solutions, and implementating the final products. Written for ColdFusion developers who want to know more about Flash and Flash developers who want to add more power to their applications, Reality ColdFusion MX: Flash MX Integration presents a thorough and complete study of how to integrate Flash and ColdFusion, using Flash as the client and interface to ColdFusion on the server. It comprises five sample Flash applications and includes all the documentation for the entire development process for each application, such as notes, whiteboard comments, meeting minutes, and memos.
Written by Ben Forta, a leading authority on ColdFusion development, and a crack team of experts in the ColdFusion and Flash communities, Reality ColdFusion MX: Flash MX Integration takes readers to the next level in application development for Flash and ColdFusion. With its code-centric and highly readable style, Reality ColdFusion MX: Flash MX Integration focuses on helping readers get results quickly. With Reality ColdFusion: Flash MX Integration, you'll be delivering high-powered, dynamic Flash applications in no time!