- Bringing Infographics And Visualization to the Mainstream: Not Just the Tools, but the Ideas
- Sep 10, 2012
- Alberto Cairo, author of The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization, explains that the democratization and commoditization of infographics is a wonderful trend, but it will get even better if it is informed by a solid understanding of certain universal guidelines.
- UI Design with Adobe Illustrator CS6, Part 3: Visualizing Interactions with Animation
- Sep 10, 2012
- Rick Moore, author of UI Design with Adobe Illustrator, takes us on a whirlwind run through creating animations to test interactions in Illustrator. Hold onto your hat!
- An Interview with Tim Kadlec on Responsive Design
- Sep 6, 2012
- Mat Marquis talks with Tim Kadlec, author of Implementing Responsive Design: Building Sites for an Anywhere, Everywhere Web, about what makes a web design 'responsive,' how some responsive sites develop bloat, and why his hair is so luxuriously soft.
- Working with Exposed Methods in jQuery Mobile
- Sep 5, 2012
- Kris Hadlock, author of Ajax for Web Application Developers, describes two specific exposed methods from the jQuery Mobile framework that give you the capability to preload and change pages programmatically.
- UI Design with Adobe Illustrator CS6, Part 2: Creating Vector Icons
- Sep 3, 2012
- Wish you had an efficient way to create custom icons in multiple sizes for use on your websites and in your applications? Adobe Illustrator CS6 grants you the power, as demonstrated by Rick Moore, author of UI Design with Adobe Illustrator.
- WordPress 3.4: Making Your Theme Compatible with the Theme Customizer
- Sep 3, 2012
- Use the WordPress 3.4 Theme Customizer for fast, easy, nearly code-free editing of your custom WordPress themes! Jessica Neuman Beck, coauthor of WordPress: Visual QuickStart Guide, Second Edition, shows how to update an existing theme with the WordPress 3.4 Theme Customizer.
- Implementing Responsive Design with Media
- Aug 28, 2012
- It takes careful consideration and planning to give our users the best of both worlds: a beautiful experience that loads as quickly as possible. In this chapter, learn why performance matters, how to conditionally load images, what responsive image solutions are available, and their limitations, how to swap out background images without downloading multiple images, how to conditionally load web fonts, what’s ahead for responsive images, how to make embedded video scale while maintaining its aspect ratio, and what to do with responsive advertising.
- UI Design with Adobe Illustrator CS6, Part 1: Flipping Wireframes
- Aug 27, 2012
- Adobe Illustrator makes it easy to create wireframes and then seamlessly flip them to final art. Rick Moore, author of UI Design with Adobe Illustrator, demonstrates how to use Illustrator's symbols, graphic and character styles, and the Find Font tool to turn a sample user interface wireframe into a presentation-ready design.
- The Building Blocks of UI Design with Adobe Illustrator
- Aug 23, 2012
- This chapter takes a look at the basic features that Illustrator provides for the building blocks of UI design.
- Adding Text to Your Pages in Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
- Aug 22, 2012
- In this chapter, you'll learn how to get text onto your page and apply structure using headings and lists. You'll also learn how to use basic HTML text styles to change the look of your text.
- Game Mechanics: How to Design an Internal Economy for Your Game
- Aug 15, 2012
- Internal economy is one kind of mechanic you might find in a game. Designing a game's economy is the core of the game designer’s trade: You craft mechanics to create a game system that is fun and challenging to interact with. Ernest Adams and Joris Dormans, authors of Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design, explain how to do it.
- WordPress 3.4: Using the New Theme Customizer
- Aug 13, 2012
- Preview changes to a WordPress theme before launching them to your site! In just a few steps, Jessica Neuman Beck, coauthor of WordPress: Visual QuickStart Guide, Second Edition, shows how to use the new Theme Customizer introduced with the WordPress 3.4 core update.
- Building Better Websites with Dreamweaver Site Definitions
- Aug 9, 2012
- To set up a new website with Dreamweaver, you have to begin by creating a site definition. Though Dreamweaver makes setup easy, it has some pitfalls that can trip up the unwary. Tom Negrino, coauthor of Dreamweaver CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide, guides us step by step through the process of site definition.
- How to Create Flexible Header Images in WordPress 3.4
- Jul 30, 2012
- Break free from header image-size constraints! Jessica Neuman Beck, coauthor of WordPress: Visual QuickStart Guide, Second Edition, shows how to use the new flexible header support introduced with the WordPress 3.4 core update.
- Enhancing Boxes with CSS3 Bling
- Jul 26, 2012
- In this chapter you’ll learn new ways to (tastefully) add graphical effects to your sites programmatically without having to use millions of background images. You’ll start by looking at some basic isolated examples and then advance to more involved implementations.
- Creating Multipage Websites in jQuery Mobile
- Jul 16, 2012
- Kris Hadlock explains page template types and shows you how to preload and cache pages, work with different page transitions, and customize loading messages. You'll also learn to create custom functionality to take your pages to the next level.
- HTML5 Multimedia: Using Video with Canvas
- Jun 21, 2012
- In addition to native multimedia, one of the most talked about capabilities that HTML5 brings to the web table is the ability to draw and manipulate graphics using JavaScript via the new canvas element. The element defines an area on a web page that you can draw on using a JavaScript API. Ian Devlin shows you how to use it.
- The Inspiration Bookshelf: The Best Books for Design, Learning and User Experience
- Jun 4, 2012
- Julie Dirksen, author of Design For How People Learn, shares her "Inspiration Bookshelf" for designers, listing books and websites that are special, not only in the content, but also in the way that they were written and designed.
- Adobe Flash CS6 Classroom in a Book: Creating a Home Button with Code Snippets
- May 30, 2012
- In this excerpt from Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book, you'll learn to use the Code Snippets panel to add ActionScript to your project.
- How to Preview a Website for Mobile Screens in Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
- May 5, 2012
- Learn how to preview a website for mobile screens, including how to locate the finished layout using the Files panel, which lets you browse files without leaving Dreamweaver. You’ll also try the Multiscreen Preview, which lets you see how your site looks at multiple sizes at once.