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Customizing the Look of Error Messages in JSP
Feb 22, 2002
This article, excerpted from Drew Falkman's JRun Web Application Construction Kit (Que, 2001), shows you how to create custom error pages to deliver messages when errors occur.
Designing the Obvious, Part 1: The Key to Great Web and Software Design
Feb 24, 2006
Unless you have endless free time to waste, at some point you'll get fed up with a site or application that seems intent on frustrating the user. Robert Hoekman, Jr. posits that it's not the designer's intention to aggravate your life; it's just a failure to define and then design "the obvious": what the user will need, presented in the way the user will need it. In this series, he explains how to design sites and software that work well for the user precisely because they're designed to be obvious.
Designing the Obvious, Part 2: Knowing What to Build and Why
Mar 10, 2006
Why do software projects fail? In most cases, says Robert Hoekman, Jr., it's simply a matter of poor planning. If you don't have a firm grasp of who is going to use your product or site, and why, you'll succeed only by accident. He explains where you need to focus attention and effort to help your product or site live up to the organization's expectations.
Designing the Obvious, Part 3: Understanding Real Users to Solve Real Problems
Mar 24, 2006
If you're writing software or building web sites without a user in mind, you're just throwing away your effort. Robert Hoekman, Jr. explains the urgent need to understand exactly who the target user is, what she hopes to accomplish, and what you can do for her - long before you start committing keystrokes to code.
Developing a ColdFusion/J2EE Solution
Mar 7, 2003
Learn how to create a project blueprint to eliminate the possibility for changes in the architecture during development, and to help development go as smoothly as possible.
Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL: User Accounts
Jan 9, 2014
Learn how to create and manage user accounts for a simple e-commerce system using PHP and MySQL.
Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL: User Accounts
Nov 25, 2010
Larry Ullman shows you how to work with user accounts when creating an e-commerce website, including registration, logging in, logging out, managing passwords, and improving security.
Elements of Client-Side Scripting
Nov 30, 2001
Client-side scripts use four essential components to enable the creation of full-featured Web applications. Scott Loban introduces those major components of client-side scripting and their roles in a dynamic Web application.
Enabling Technologies for Mobile Gaming
Jan 9, 2004
To demonstrate key technologies that will enable mobile gaming to conquer its audience, Jouni Paavilainen looks behind the scenes of a fictional game called The Plot.
Finding Scriptable Objects with AppleScript
Jan 28, 2009
Finding scriptable objects is a common task and something that AppleScript and scriptable applications do exceptionally well. In this chapter, the authors cover the techniques used to locate specific scriptable objects.
First Steps of Flash Game Design
Jan 3, 2003
This sample chapter discusses the most common Flash game genres, their terminology, and Flash's capabilities as a game-development environment.
First Things First, Second, and Third: It's About Repetition in Game Audio
Jul 25, 2003
George "The Fat Man" Sanger presents his thoughts on the repetitive nature of game audio and what can be done to address the problem.
Flash ActionScripting for Designers: Controlling Independent Timelines
Jan 19, 2007
Flash can run multiple movie clip and SWF Timelines simultaneously. It is often useful to get these various Timelines working together with one Timeline controlling some or all of the others with ActionScript. This communication is achieved through the use of target paths. In this article, author James Gonzalez reviews this important concept through the use of examples containing working target path scripts.
Flash ActionScripting for Designers: Controlling Timeline Playback
Jan 12, 2007
In Flash, once a movie starts, it plays in its entirety until it either reaches the last frame of the last scene on the Timeline, or it is instructed otherwise. The only way to instruct Flash is through the use of ActionScript. Author James Gonzalez reviews the basic scripts you must learn to direct Flash to execute basic but critical project functions.
Flash ActionScripting for Designers: Scripting a Telescoping Menu
Feb 9, 2007
Flash is a great tool for creating animated menus and other navigation elements. James Gonzalez shows you how to use ActionScript to create a compact telescoping menu system that saves valuable screen real estate yet still provides one-click access to many pages of your web site.
Flash ActionScripting for Designers: Taking the Mystery Out of ActionScript
Dec 15, 2006
To really get the most out of Flash, you need to learn and use ActionScript. Read this concise ActionScript primer by author James Gonzalez to start taking the mystery out of this versatile and powerful web technology.
Flash Game Design: Trigonometry 101
Jan 17, 2003
Brush up on the basics of trigonometry, which should handle almost every Flash game development need you'll have.
Flow of Control in Python
Jul 26, 2013
In this chapter from Python: Visual QuickStart Guide, 3rd Edition, Toby Donaldson shows how to change the order in which statements are executed by using if-statements and loops. Both are essential in almost any nontrivial program.
Flow of Control in Python
Jul 8, 2009
In this chapter, Toby Donaldson looks at how to change the order in which statements are executed by using if-statements and loops. Both are essential in almost any nontrivial program.
From Flash to Flex: Creating ActionScript Components for Flex
Jul 27, 2007
Kris Hadlock explains how to create an ActionScript component for Flex by using XML as a data source to offer reusability in your Flex applications.

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