- Chris Orwig's Lightroom Tips & Tricks: Clipping Warnings, Auto Corrections, Copy Settings, Faster Retouching, and Faster Gradient Adjustments
- Mar 23, 2009
- Chris Orwig offers some great Lightroom tips, including clipping warnings, auto corrections, copy settings, faster retouching, and faster gradient adjustments.
- Chris Orwig's Lightroom Tips & Tricks: Keywords, Crop Coolness, and the Basic Panel
- Mar 16, 2009
- Chris Orwig shares some handy Lightroom tips, including Library module’s Keyword List panel, Keyword Sets, the Crop Overlay Tool, and the Basic panel.
- Cloning and Healing in Lightroom
- Nov 30, 2007
- NAPP instructor Dave Cross explains how to use Lightroom’s Cloning and Healing tools to fix blemishes across multiple photos.
- Collections in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2
- Feb 9, 2009
- Martin Evening discusses Quick Collections, Collections, Collection Sets, and Smart Collections.
- Color Correction Handbook for Video and Cinema: HSL Qualification and Hue Curves
- Feb 24, 2011
- This chapter covers two of the principle ways of creating targeted secondary color corrections—that is, a correction to a specific object or subject within the frame. You can use HSL Qualification to isolate regions of the image for secondary correction or hue curves to accomplish similarly targeted corrections in a different way entirely.
- Color Me Badd: Color Correction for Photographers
- Apr 23, 2008
- Best-selling authors Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski use their shared wit and photo-editing expertise to show you every cool trick in the book for color correcting photos in Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.
- Compare and Rate Your Images in Aperture
- Feb 17, 2006
- In this lesson, you’ll start by comparing images first in the Viewer and then in the Light Table. Next, you’ll assign simple and advanced ratings to images. Finally, you’ll add keywords and metadata to images and create a Smart Album to group some images by specific search criteria.
- Comparing and Filtering Photos in Lightroom 3
- Oct 18, 2010
- If you take thousands of photos every year, you know about the complexity of organizing those images and finding the exact shot you need. Dan Moughamian, author of Adobe Digital Imaging How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques for Photoshop CS5, Lightroom 3, and Camera Raw 6, demonstrates how Lightroom 3 can make these processes more precise and efficient.
- Comparing Digital Camera Sensors, Part 1
- Feb 22, 2008
- In part one of this three-part series, Peter Bauer takes a look at some practical aspects of different-sized camera sensors in digital SLRs. Which camera should you buy? You may want to read this first.
- Comparing Digital Camera Sensors, Part 2
- Feb 29, 2008
- Digital SLR cameras can do more than ever before, but is it worth the extra money to buy a DSLR that uses a sensor the size of a 35mm negative instead of a less-expensive camera using a smaller sensor? Pete Bauer did some independent testing using a full-frame Canon 5D and a camera using Canon's smaller APS-C size sensor.
- Comparing Digital Camera Sensors, Part 3
- Mar 7, 2008
- In this final installment of his three-part series, Peter Bauer addresses specific differences between shooting cameras with full frame sensors and cameras with APS-C size sensors.
- Copyright Workflow for Photographers: Registration Using Paper Forms
- Nov 17, 2014
- Although electronic registration is the preferred (and faster) method to register your images, the Copyright Office still accepts paper forms for people who prefer to file that way and for people who are registering a group of published images (a paper form is the only way to register a group of published images, at least for now). This chapter from Copyright Workflow for Photographers: Protecting, Managing, and Sharing Digital Images walks you through the application process using paper forms.
- Correcting an Underexposed Image in Lightroom
- Apr 8, 2008
- Everyone overexposes an occasional photo. You might do it deliberately, in order to convey a certain mood, but more often than not it's an accident and you won't like the result. Martin Evening shows how to use Lightroom to fix those images on which you got a little carried away.
- Create a Flash Gallery in a Photoshop Elements 5
- Jan 12, 2007
- You used to need web development skills to even think about creating an online gallery. Now, thanks to the new Flash photo galleries in Photoshop Elements 5, all it takes is a few clicks. Matt Kloskowski shows you the way in a fun and easy video tutorial.
- Create a Killer Black and White Photo Using Photoshop Elements 5 Video Tutorial
- Nov 17, 2006
- The process of turning a color photo into a beautiful black and white has been revolutionized with the introduction of Photoshop Elements 5. Matt Kloskowski shows you how to use Elements to create killer black and white photos through two short video tutorials. One video shows you the easy, one-click way to create black and whites, while the other video tutorial shows you how to get a tad more control over the conversion process.
- Create Visual Depth in Your Photographs with Color
- Dec 27, 2013
- Colors help us construct dimension in a photograph, from both a visual and a conceptual or interpretive perspective. In this chapter, Jerod Foster discusses color theory and how you can use it to add visual depth to your photographs.
- Creating a Custom Screen Saver with iPhoto
- Oct 22, 2004
- Want to remember the Bridge of Sighs every time you boot up? If you've been collecting photos in iPhoto, you probably have hundreds of images of family, friends, vacations, and other subjects just sitting on your hard disk collecting digital dust. Why not use them to dress up your workspace by turning your favorites into a screen saver? With iPhoto 2 and Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, it's easy.
- Creating a Musical Photomontage with Premiere CS3: Part 1
- Apr 10, 2008
- In a series of three articles, Paul Ekert will use the simple premise of a musical photomontage to demonstrate core Premiere skills often overlooked by beginners and proficient users alike.
- Creating a Musical Photomontage with Premiere CS3: Part 2
- Apr 15, 2008
- In the first article of this three-part series, Paul Ekert showed you how to automatically create a photomontage set to music using Premiere CS3. Part 2 demonstrates how to alter the scale of the images, move inaccurate markers to a better position, and trim the images to these new points.
- Creating a Musical Photomontage with Premiere CS3: Part 3
- Apr 30, 2008
- In this third and final tutorial in his series, Paul Ekert will show you how to add a little spice to your montage. You'll also see the effective use of transitions and filters and learn how to create a Picture-in-Picture effect (PiP).